[governance] Sad news re Francis Muguet
Lohento, ken
lohento at oridev.org
Mon Oct 19 06:13:07 EDT 2009
My sincere condolences to his family and to all. I couldn't believe it
He was someone who really passionately advocated for developing countries'
issues, in particular African CS issues, during WSIS and the IGF process.
We will miss you Francis.
Ken L
Le Sam 17 octobre 2009 21:56, Ian Peter a écrit :
> This page seems to provide the unfortunate confirmation that Francis died
> in
> Paris on October 14, and also that the cause of death was most likely a
> heart attack.
> http://www.refondation.org/blog/1930/francis-muguet-nous-a-quittes
> How fragile we are.
> On 18/10/09 12:38 AM, "Nyangkwe Agien Aaron" <nyangkweagien at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> So sad news indeed if can be confirmed. But I wonder how Francis'
>> daughter
>> could not gather the courage and be more precise on the date of the
>> death and
>> what caused the passing away of her father and our friend Francis.
>> Was he sick? Of what? Since when and where did he pass away?
>> The pill is so big to be swallowed like that. Can some one come out with
>> precise information on the matter?
>> Deep condolences if information is confirmed
>> Aaron
>> On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 2:55 PM, Anriette Esterhuysen <anriette at apc.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear all
>>> Tijani's words capture my own feelings very well. Is this really true?
>>> I
>>> still find this so sudden, difficult to believe. And it is not so long
>>> ago that it was Francis who wrote to us about Jean Louis' heart attack
>>> at the ITU, as Tijani points out.
>>> Ian, thanks for communicating with Francis' daughter on our behalf. Do
>>> we have any confirmation of what happened? Â Andrea, did you manage to
>>> speak to his family?
>>> Anriette
>>> On Sat, 2009-10-17 at 09:10 +0100, Tijani BEN JEMAA wrote:
>>>> > Itâs indeed a very sad piece of news.
>>>> >
>>>> > Françis was one of the very active and committed civil society
>>>> actors
>>>> > in WSIS, and especially in its second phase.
>>>> >
>>>> > Françis always had his own opinion, but never was negative. Our
>>>> views
>>>> > werenât always the same, and yet, we were really good friends. I
>>>> feel
>>>> > too sad.
>>>> >
>>>> > I canât forget his behaviour when Jean Louis had his health
>>>> problem in
>>>> > ITU in Geneva.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Now, he is awayâ¦.. Itâs a nasty situation
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> >
>>>> > Tijani BEN JEMAA
>>>> >
>>>> > Vice Chairman of CIC
>>>> >
>>>> > World Federation of Engineering Organizations
>>>> >
>>>> > Phone : + 216 98 330 114
>>>> >
>>>> > Fax   : + 216 70 860 861
>>>> >
>>>> > ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > ______________________________________________________________________
>>>> > De : Ian Peter [mailto:ian.peter at ianpeter.com]
>>>> > Envoyé : samedi 17 octobre 2009 04:56
>>>> > Ã : 'governance at lists.cpsr.org'; Gov at wsis-gov.org
>>>> > Objet : [governance] Sad news re Francis Muguet
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Friends, I have just received the following email. I have no further
>>>> > details, and this must be a shock to all of us. Â I would
>>>> particularly
>>>> > urge those of you closer to Francisâs immediate work to get in
>>>> touch
>>>> > with his family as requested below. This is sad news indeed.
>>>> >
>>>> > Hey,
>>>> > My name is Flore MUGUET, I'm the daughter of Francis MUGUET, I'm
>>>> > contacting you because you are his friend on Facebook. My father
>>>> died
>>>> > in Paris couple days ago and I just found out Wednesday night,
>>>> because
>>>> > I was worried that I wasn't answering my emails. It's hard for me to
>>>> > realize, it' s happening so fast... My dad was the only member of
>>>> the
>>>> > family his side that I fully loved, trusted and respected. On the
>>>> > other side I just have my mother. His work was so important for him,
>>>> > I'm so sad I didn't accomplished it..
>>>> > I need a lawyer for advices, so If you know one, please contact me.
>>>> > Please get in touch with me at danceflore at hotmail.com or +33 (0)6 82
>>>> > 30 26 70 for the funerals. I would like to have a lot of people
>>>> > coming..
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > I have passed on to Flore condolences on behalf on those of us
>>>> working
>>>> > with Francis on Internet Governance issues, but I am sure the family
>>>> > would like to hear from those who have worked closely with Francis.
>>>> > Flore also asked me about Francisâs work and travel movements â
>>>> I did
>>>> > mention  to her IGF and also his current project with ITU â but I
>>>> > donât have contacts for that work, others might like to pass
>>>> details
>>>> > on.
>>>> >
>>>> > Sad news indeed. Francis was an original thinker with a great
>>>> devotion
>>>> > to these issues. Itâs hard to believe that he is no longer with
>>>> us.
>>>> >
>>>> > Ian Peter
>>>> >
>>>> >
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>>>> > 10/16/09 06:32:00
>>>> >
>>>> >
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>>> --
>>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>> anriette esterhuysen - executive director
>>> association for progressive communications
>>> p o box 29755 melville - south africa 2109
>>> anriette at apc.org - tel/fax + 27 11 726 1692
>>> http://www.apc.org
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Ken L
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