[governance] Sad news re Francis Muguet
jameleddine khemakhem
jameleddinekhemakhem at topnet.tn
Sat Oct 17 12:14:33 EDT 2009
C’est un grand choc pour nous tous, Francis était très proche de nos cœurs, par sa gentillesse, son militantisme raisonnable et objectif, il était l’ami de tous et nous avons perdu un grand homme de la société civile internationale.
De : William Drake [mailto:william.drake at graduateinstitute.ch]
Envoyé : 17 اكتوبر, 2009 11:16
À : governance at lists.cpsr.org; Ian Peter
Cc : Gov at wsis-gov.org
Objet : Re: [governance] Sad news re Francis Muguet
Really terrible news.
I got that message too from Facebook and responded to her, but I'm leaving soon for Seoul and am anyway not local and in a position to help. Hopefully some caucus members based in Paris can get in touch with her and see what can be done...?
On Oct 17, 2009, at 5:55 AM, Ian Peter wrote:
Friends, I have just received the following email. I have no further details, and this must be a shock to all of us. I would particularly urge those of you closer to Francis’s immediate work to get in touch with his family as requested below. This is sad news indeed.
My name is Flore MUGUET, I'm the daughter of Francis MUGUET, I'm contacting you because you are his friend on Facebook. My father died in Paris couple days ago and I just found out Wednesday night, because I was worried that I wasn't answering my emails. It's hard for me to realize, it' s happening so fast... My dad was the only member of the family his side that I fully loved, trusted and respected. On the other side I just have my mother. His work was so important for him, I'm so sad I didn't accomplished it..
I need a lawyer for advices, so If you know one, please contact me.
Please get in touch with me at danceflore at hotmail.com <x-msg://64/danceflore@hotmail.com> or +33 (0)6 82 30 26 70 for the funerals. I would like to have a lot of people coming..
I have passed on to Flore condolences on behalf on those of us working with Francis on Internet Governance issues, but I am sure the family would like to hear from those who have worked closely with Francis. Flore also asked me about Francis’s work and travel movements – I did mention to her IGF and also his current project with ITU – but I don’t have contacts for that work, others might like to pass details on.
Sad news indeed. Francis was an original thinker with a great devotion to these issues. It’s hard to believe that he is no longer with us.
Ian Peter
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