[governance] ICANN/USG Affirmation of Commitments
parminder at itforchange.net
Tue Oct 6 12:52:33 EDT 2009
Avri Doria wrote:
> On 6 Oct 2009, at 11:57, Paul Lehto wrote:
>> The only
>> legitimate way to fully claim the public interest mantle is by having
>> a mandate via consent of the governed from the people as a whole.
> does this mean that until everyone in the world votes, ICANN will
> never be legitimate according to you?
If that is not practical, a much better link with, and accountability
(in the 'real' terms as Paul discusses) to, the global public has to be
established, than ICANN has.
For this ICANN would first need to understand the 'global public' in its
socio-political nature, which it has shown a singular tendency to make
no progress towards.
> a.
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