[governance] Congratulations
Paul Wilson
pwilson at apnic.net
Sun Oct 4 04:24:58 EDT 2009
Reminds me of ECO '92, UNCED, or the United Nations Earth Summit in Rio,
where Carlos Afonso's organisation Alternex was instrumental in bringing in
one of the first permanent Internet connections (64kbps I think) in the
country. Numerous APC folk, including Ian Peter and myself, were there to
help, promoting the wonders of this new technology to delegates at the
It's nice to see we've come a little way since then.
--On 2 October 2009 8:56:49 PM +0200 "\"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang\""
<wolfgang.kleinwaechter at medienkomm.uni-halle.de> wrote:
> To all our Barzilian members:
> Congratulations to the 2016 Olympics in Rio. This will be Olympic Games
> which can be followed not only by TV and radio but by billions of
> Internet Users worldwide. Lets waoit and see how Rio comes with new
> Internet innovations until 2016. :-)))
> Wolfgang
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Paul Wilson, Director-General, APNIC <dg at apnic.net>
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