[governance] TAKE ACTION: Support the Madrid Privacy

Jeffrey A. Williams jwkckid1 at ix.netcom.com
Sun Nov 15 16:20:43 EST 2009

Ginger and all,

  In sprit this Declaration is fairly good, but not good enough.
Simply "Urging" governments to uphold basic privacy rights of 
individuals and their generated personal data doesn't go or
express nearly strongly enough such a basic right.  Rather
"Demanding" that such rights when articulated in detail, is a far
more effective message to send to the respective governments and
government leaders.  INEGroup has done so, and did so back in 2002.

-----Original Message-----
>From: Katitza Rodriguez <katitza at datos-personales.org>
>Sent: Nov 14, 2009 5:54 AM
>To: governance at lists.cpsr.org
>Cc: Ginger Paque <gpaque at gmail.com>
>Subject: [governance] TAKE ACTION: Support the Madrid Privacy Declaration
>Dear colleagues:
>PLEASE TAKE ACTION: Support the Madrid Privacy Declaration
>Civil society groups and privacy experts are urging countries around
>the world to safeguard privacy, a fundamental human right.
>Governments and corporations are gathering too much information on
>individuals, with too few protections. New systems of identification,
>tracking and surveillance threaten the rights of citizens and consumers.
>At the recent meeting of privacy officials in Madrid, a  declaration
>was issued that reaffirmed basic privacy laws, identified new
>challenges, and recommended concrete actions. The Madrid Privacy
>Declaration is an important document that  makes affirmative
>Now the Madrid Privacy Declaration is open for signature to
>individuals around the world. And we need your support!
>Go to this page for information about how to endorse:
>To learn more about privacy and the recent civil society  conference
>in Madrid:
>Please send your endorsement to privacy at datos-personales.org
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Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman for INEGroup LLA. - (Over 294k members/stakeholders strong!)
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depends upon whether B is less than L multiplied by
P: i.e., whether B is less than PL."
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Updated 1/26/04
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