[governance] Summary of IGP comments on the NTIA ICANN proceeding

McTim dogwallah at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 11:19:02 EDT 2009

On 6/8/09, Carlton Samuels <carlton.samuels at uwimona.edu.jm> wrote:
> I have been following the submissions and I would argue that purely on the
> stats, it appears the comments are decidedly in favour of continuance of JPA
> or instantiation of some form of USG oversight, no?

temporarily, I think is the flava.

> As it happens, the African Union is for continuance.

I don't think they have taken a position.  The paper called "Africa is
Not Ready Yet"
is by an AU staffer, but is not an official position.  Is that what
you are referring to?

 So are Verizon,
> VeriSign and some organization called the Coalition for Online Trademark
> Protection along with assorted others.  Vint Cerf and ISOC are for
> concluding JPA.

As am I.


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