[governance] Question 6: Comments on Shiva's proposed paras

Katitza Rodriguez katitza at datos-personales.org
Mon Jul 13 17:11:48 EDT 2009

I agree with Jeanette,

On Jul 13, 2009, at 5:09 PM, Jeanette Hofmann wrote:

> In my view, the caucus, not the IGF secretariat, should call upon  
> the UN Member States. Lets see what others say.
> je
> Ginger Paque wrote:
>> Sorry, my mistake, so we would change the first line to read:
>> The Internet Governance Caucus calls upon the IGF Secretariat to  
>> apply to **the UN Member States** for substantial funding for IGF  
>> programs and participation to further enhance the quality of  
>> programs to foster greater diversity of participation.
>> Is that correct?
>> Ginger
>> Jeanette Hofmann wrote:
>>> Hi Ginger, what is wrong with Wolfgang's suggestion:
>>> With regard to IGF funding: This should be addressed to UN Member  
>>> States who have created the IGF. The IGF is not a legal person in  
>>> such a sense that it could collect money on a regular basis. But  
>>> UN member states can do this.
>> The Internet Governance Caucus calls upon the IGF Secretariat to  
>> apply to the UN Member States for substantial funding for IGF  
>> programs and participation to further enhance the quality of  
>> programs to foster greater diversity of participation.
>>> jeanette
>>> Ginger Paque wrote:
>>>> Shiva has had to run to catch a train, and has asked me to  
>>>> continue this discussion. I have tried to find a middle ground,  
>>>> which is the following. Do please comment and suggest revisions.
>>>> The Internet Governance Caucus calls upon the IGF Secretariat to  
>>>> apply to the UN General Assembly for substantial funding for IGF  
>>>> programs and participation to further enhance the quality of  
>>>> programs to foster greater diversity of participation.
>>>> There are two aspects to be considered in this regard: a) Present  
>>>> IGF participants representing various stakeholder groups are  
>>>> highly qualified individuals with diverse accomplishments but it  
>>>> is also true that IGF participation needs to be further expanded  
>>>> to include more Civil Society participants known for their  
>>>> commitment and accomplishments outside the IGF arena on various  
>>>> Civil Society causes. And b) The present attendees of the IGF do  
>>>> not represent all participant segments and geographic regions. We  
>>>> mention in for example: Indigenous peoples worldwide, people with  
>>>> disabilities, rural people and particularly those who are the  
>>>> poorest of
>>>> the poor, landless or migrants; those concerned with promoting  
>>>> peer-to-peer and open access governance structures built on an  
>>>> electronic platform, those looking to alternative modes of  
>>>> Internet governance as ways of responding to specific localized  
>>>> opportunities and limitations, and those working as practitioners  
>>>> and activists in implementing the Internet as a primary resource  
>>>> in support of broad-based economic and social development.  
>>>> Funding possibilities need to be improved and it requires various  
>>>> efforts, but availability of various categories of travel grants  
>>>> for participants may help improve attendance by those not yet  
>>>> seen at the IGF for want of funds. The IGF already has made some  
>>>> funds available for representation from Less Developed Countries,  
>>>> but such funding achieves a limited objective.
>>>> The true cost of the IGF (including all visible and invisible  
>>>> costs to the IGF Secretariat, participating Governments,  
>>>> organizations and individual participants) would be several times  
>>>> that of the actual outflow from the IGF Secretariat in organizing  
>>>> the IGF, as reflected in the IGF book of accounts. If an  
>>>> economist estimates the total visible and invisible costs of the  
>>>> IGF, it would be an enormous sum, which is already being spent  
>>>> each year. With an increment in funding for travel support to  
>>>> panel speaker and participants, which would amount to a small  
>>>> proportion of the true total cost of the IGF, the quality of  
>>>> panels and the diversity of participation could be significantly  
>>>> improved.
>>>> With this rationale, the Internet Governance Caucus recommends  
>>>> that the IGF should consider budgetary allocations supported by  
>>>> grants from business, governments, well funded non-governmental  
>>>> and international organizations and the United Nations. The fund  
>>>> could extend travel grants to 200 lead participants (panel  
>>>> speakers, program organizers), full and partial fellowships to a  
>>>> greater number of participants with special attention to  
>>>> participants from unrepresented categories (unrepresented  
>>>> geographic regions and/or unrepresented participant segments and  
>>>> even to those from affluent, represented regions if there is an  
>>>> individual need).
>>>> Jeanette Hofmann wrote:
>>>>> As I said before, I support funding the participation of people  
>>>>> from least developed countries. I do think that the IGF  
>>>>> secretariat should have a reliable funding that ensure  
>>>>> independence from private sector donations.
>>>>> I don't support the funding of business leaders, business class  
>>>>> flights and expensive hotels. Since I don't think we agree on  
>>>>> this latter part, I suggested to omit such details.
>>>>> jeanette
>>>>> Sivasubramanian Muthusamy wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Jeanette Hoffmann
>>>>>> The IGC which makes this statement is fully aware of the  
>>>>>> PRESENT realities and the statement stems from a positive  
>>>>>> outlook unconstrained by the present situation. Another million  
>>>>>> or two or ten or twenty for that matter, isn't way beyond the  
>>>>>> reach of the IGF body.
>>>>>> 1. When IGC calls for funds it is implied that the IGF will  
>>>>>> find a way to find funds to answer thiso call.
>>>>>> 2. We need to make this statement if we do not wish to keep the  
>>>>>> IGF in eternal poverty,
>>>>>> I am looking at your later response and notice that I would  
>>>>>> like it not mentioned what is funded. The statement is complete  
>>>>>> only with such a suggestion and in its present form, is there  
>>>>>> anything seriously objectionable with what it says about  
>>>>>> enhancing the quality of programs with greater diversity of  
>>>>>> participation?
>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 10:08 PM, Jeanette Hofmann <jeanette at wzb.eu 
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>    Hi, the issue is not that I would like to create another  
>>>>>> California
>>>>>>    as Michael G. suggests.
>>>>>>    Of course, it would be good if the IGF had more means to  
>>>>>> support
>>>>>>    people's participation. The issue is whether it makes sense  
>>>>>> to call
>>>>>>    upon somebody for funding who has no funding and spends a
>>>>>>    significant amount of time on soliciting donations for its own
>>>>>>    functioning.
>>>>>>    If we ask for money, we should specificy where this money  
>>>>>> should
>>>>>>    come from or how it could be generated.
>>>>>>    jeanette
>>>>>>    Ginger Paque wrote:
>>>>>>        Shiva... you need to address this concern. It is not only
>>>>>>        Jeanette who holds this view.
>>>>>>        Thanks, gp
>>>>>>        Jeanette Hofmann wrote:
>>>>>>            Ginger Paque wrote:
>>>>>>                Thank you Shiva, I can see that you made a serious
>>>>>>                effort at compromise. However, there are still  
>>>>>> areas I
>>>>>>                cannot agree with. Please consider the following
>>>>>>                counter-proposal, and of course, we hope for  
>>>>>> comments
>>>>>>                from others as well:
>>>>>>                [The following text was re-submitted by Shiva,  
>>>>>> and then
>>>>>>                edited by Ginger]
>>>>>>                The Internet Governance Caucus calls upon the IGF
>>>>>>                Secretariat to substantially fund IGF programs and
>>>>>>                participation to further enhance the quality of  
>>>>>> programs
>>>>>>                with greater diversity of participation.
>>>>>>            The IGF secretariat has no budget to fund the expenses
>>>>>>            listed below. I don't understand why we would want  
>>>>>> to "call
>>>>>>            upon the IGF Secretariat to
>>>>>>             > substantially fund IGF programs and  
>>>>>> participation" in
>>>>>>            light of the lack of such funds.
>>>>>>            jeanette
>>>>>>                There are two aspects to be considered in this  
>>>>>> regard:
>>>>>>                a) Present IGF participants representing various
>>>>>>                stakeholder groups are highly qualified  
>>>>>> individuals with
>>>>>>                diverse accomplishments but it is also true that  
>>>>>> IGF
>>>>>>                participation needs to be further expanded to  
>>>>>> include
>>>>>>                more Civil Society participants known for their
>>>>>>                commitment and accomplishments outside the IGF  
>>>>>> arena on
>>>>>>                various Civil Society causes.  Business leaders  
>>>>>> who are
>>>>>>                otherwise committed to social and other governance
>>>>>>                issues are not seen at the IGF, and not all  
>>>>>> governments
>>>>>>                are represented at the IGF. And b) The present  
>>>>>> attendees
>>>>>>                of the IGF do not represent all participant  
>>>>>> segments and
>>>>>>                geographic regions. This needs to be improved  
>>>>>> and it
>>>>>>                requires various efforts, but availability of  
>>>>>> various
>>>>>>                categories of travel grants for participants may  
>>>>>> help
>>>>>>                improve participation by those not attending the  
>>>>>> IGF for
>>>>>>                want of funds. IGF already has made some funds  
>>>>>> available
>>>>>>                for representation from Less Developed  
>>>>>> Countries, but
>>>>>>                such funding achieves a limited objective.
>>>>>>                The true cost of the IGF (including all visible  
>>>>>> and
>>>>>>                invisible costs to the IGF Secretariat,  
>>>>>> participating
>>>>>>                Governments, organizations and individual  
>>>>>> participants)
>>>>>>                would be several times that of the actual  
>>>>>> outflow from
>>>>>>                the IGF Secretariat in organizing the IGF, as  
>>>>>> reflected
>>>>>>                in the IGF book of accounts. If an economist  
>>>>>> estimates
>>>>>>                the total visible and invisible costs of the  
>>>>>> IGF, it
>>>>>>                would be an enormous sum, which is already  
>>>>>> spent. With
>>>>>>                an increment in funding for travel support to  
>>>>>> panel
>>>>>>                speaker and participants, which would amount to  
>>>>>> a small
>>>>>>                proportion of the true cost of the IGF, the  
>>>>>> quality of
>>>>>>                panels and the diversity of participation could  
>>>>>> be improved.
>>>>>>                With this rationale, the Internet Governance  
>>>>>> Caucus
>>>>>>                recommends that the IGF should consider budgetary
>>>>>>                allocations supported by grants from business,
>>>>>>                governments, well funded non-governmental and
>>>>>>                international organizations and the United  
>>>>>> Nations. The
>>>>>>                fund may extend travel grants to 200 lead  
>>>>>> participants
>>>>>>                (panel speakers, program organizers), full and  
>>>>>> partial
>>>>>>                fellowships to a greater number of participants  
>>>>>> with
>>>>>>                special attention to participants from  
>>>>>> unrepresented
>>>>>>                categories (unrepresented geographic regions and/ 
>>>>>> or
>>>>>>                unrepresented participant segments and even to  
>>>>>> those
>>>>>>                from affluent, represented regions if there is an
>>>>>>                individual need ).
>>>>>>                Such a fund would enable the IGF to bring in more
>>>>>>                diverse opinions to the IGF from experts who  
>>>>>> would add
>>>>>>                further value to the IGF. It is especially  
>>>>>> recommended
>>>>>>                that such a fund carry no link as to the  
>>>>>> positions or
>>>>>>                content proposed by the presenter (as opposed to  
>>>>>> a grant
>>>>>>                from a business trust with stated or implied  
>>>>>> conditions
>>>>>>                about the positions to be taken). It is  
>>>>>> recommended that
>>>>>>                the IGF create a fund large enough to have  
>>>>>> significant
>>>>>>                impact in further enhancing quality and  
>>>>>> diversity of
>>>>>>                participation.
>>>>>>                Sivasubramanian Muthusamy wrote:
>>>>>>                    Hello Ginger, Michael Guerstein and All,
>>>>>>                    Have revised the statement and the changes  
>>>>>> made are
>>>>>>                    highlighted. This mail is best viewed with  
>>>>>> html /
>>>>>>                    mime settings. ( for the convenience of  
>>>>>> those whose
>>>>>>                    mail settings are plain text, I am attaching  
>>>>>> the
>>>>>>                    text as a PDF file which would show the  
>>>>>> highlighted
>>>>>>                    changes )
>>>>>>                    Thank you
>>>>>>                    Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
>>>>>>                       The Internet Governance Caucus calls upon  
>>>>>> the IGF
>>>>>>                    Secretariat to
>>>>>>                       fund the IGF programs and participation
>>>>>>                    substantially and
>>>>>>                       significantly to further enhance the  
>>>>>> quality of
>>>>>>                    programs with
>>>>>>                       greater diversity of participation. *  
>>>>>> *There are
>>>>>>                    two aspects to be
>>>>>>                       considered in this regard: a) WSIS/  
>>>>>> present IGF
>>>>>>                    participants
>>>>>>                       representing various stakeholder groups are
>>>>>>                    highly qualified
>>>>>>                       individuals with diverse accomplishments  
>>>>>> but it
>>>>>>                    is also true that
>>>>>>                       IGF participation needs to be further  
>>>>>> expanded to
>>>>>>                    invite and
>>>>>>                       include more Civil Society participants  
>>>>>> known for
>>>>>>                    their commitment
>>>>>>                       and accomplishments outside the IGF arena  
>>>>>> on
>>>>>>                    various Civil Society
>>>>>>                       causes ; business leaders who are otherwise
>>>>>>                    committed to social
>>>>>>                       and other governance issues are not seen  
>>>>>> at the
>>>>>>                    IGF, and not all
>>>>>>                       governments are represented at the IGF  
>>>>>> ( and
>>>>>>                    though not for
>>>>>>                       financial reasons, the present  
>>>>>> participants from
>>>>>>                    Government are
>>>>>>                       not represented on a high enough level )  
>>>>>> - [ this
>>>>>>                    sentence in
>>>>>>                       parenthesis may be deleted if unnecessary  
>>>>>> as it
>>>>>>                    is not directly
>>>>>>                       relevant to the point ] and b) The present
>>>>>>                    participants of the IGF
>>>>>>                       do not represent all participant segments  
>>>>>> and
>>>>>>                    geographic regions.
>>>>>>                       This needs to be improved and it requires  
>>>>>> various
>>>>>>                    efforts, but
>>>>>>                       availability of various categories of  
>>>>>> Travel
>>>>>>                    Grants for different
>>>>>>                       classes of participants may help improve
>>>>>>                    participation by those
>>>>>>                       not attending the IGF for want of funds.  
>>>>>> IGF
>>>>>>                    already has made some
>>>>>>                       funds available for representation from  
>>>>>> Less
>>>>>>                    Developed Countries,
>>>>>>                       but such funding achieves a limited  
>>>>>> objective.
>>>>>>                       The true cost of the IGF (including all  
>>>>>> visible
>>>>>>                    and invisible
>>>>>>                       costs to the IGF Secretariat, participating
>>>>>>                    Governments,
>>>>>>                       organizations and individual  
>>>>>> participants) would
>>>>>>                    be several times
>>>>>>                       that of the actual outflow from the IGF
>>>>>>                    Secretariat in organizing
>>>>>>                       the IGF, as reflected in the IGF book of
>>>>>>                    accounts. If an economist
>>>>>>                       estimates the total visible and invisible  
>>>>>> costs
>>>>>>                    of the IGF, it
>>>>>>                       would be an enormous sum, which is  
>>>>>> already spent.
>>>>>>                    For want of a
>>>>>>                       marginal allocation for travel support to  
>>>>>> panel
>>>>>>                    speaker and
>>>>>>                       participants, which would amount to a small
>>>>>>                    proportion of the true
>>>>>>                       cost of the IGF, the quality of panels  
>>>>>> and the
>>>>>>                    diversity of
>>>>>>                       participation are compromised.
>>>>>>                       With this rationale, the Internet  
>>>>>> Governance
>>>>>>                    Caucus recommends
>>>>>>                       that the IGF should consider liberal  
>>>>>> budgetary
>>>>>>                    allocations
>>>>>>                       supported by unconditional grants from  
>>>>>> business,
>>>>>>                    governments, well
>>>>>>                       funded non-governmental and international
>>>>>>                    organizations and the
>>>>>>                       United Nations. The fund may extend
>>>>>>                    uncompromising, comfortable
>>>>>>                       travel grants/ honorarium to 200 lead
>>>>>>                    participants (panel
>>>>>>                       speakers, program organizers, who are  
>>>>>> largely
>>>>>>                    invitees who are
>>>>>>                       required to be well-received for  
>>>>>> participation),
>>>>>>                    full and partial
>>>>>>                       fellowships to a large number of  
>>>>>> participants
>>>>>>                    with special
>>>>>>                       attention to participants from  
>>>>>> unrepresented
>>>>>>                    categories
>>>>>>                       (unrepresented geographic regions and/or
>>>>>>                    unrepresented participant
>>>>>>                       segments and even to those from affluent,
>>>>>>                    represented regions if
>>>>>>                       there is an individual need ).
>>>>>>                       Such a fund would enable the IGF to bring  
>>>>>> in
>>>>>>                    really diverse
>>>>>>                       opinions to the IGF from experts who  
>>>>>> would add
>>>>>>                    further value to
>>>>>>                       the IGF. It is especially recommended  
>>>>>> that such a
>>>>>>                    fund may be
>>>>>>                       built up from contributions that are
>>>>>>                    unconditional (as opposed to
>>>>>>                       a grant from a business trust with stated  
>>>>>> or
>>>>>>                    implied conditions
>>>>>>                       about the positions to be taken;  
>>>>>> 'unconditional'
>>>>>>                    does not imply
>>>>>>                       that funds may have to be disbursed  
>>>>>> without even
>>>>>>                    the basic
>>>>>>                       conditions that the recipient should  
>>>>>> attend the
>>>>>>                    IGF and attend the
>>>>>>                       sessions etc. In this context  
>>>>>> "unconditional"
>>>>>>                    means something
>>>>>>                       larger. It is to hint at a system of Travel
>>>>>>                    Grants whereby IGF
>>>>>>                       will pool funds from Business Corporations,
>>>>>>                    Governments,
>>>>>>                       International Organizations, well funded  
>>>>>> NGOs and
>>>>>>                    UN with no
>>>>>>                       implied conditions on the positions to be  
>>>>>> taken
>>>>>>                    by participants*)*
>>>>>>                       and may be awarded to panelists and  
>>>>>> participants
>>>>>>                    unconditionally.
>>>>>>                       It is recommended that the IGF create a  
>>>>>> fund
>>>>>>                    large enough to have
>>>>>>                       significant impact in further enhancing  
>>>>>> quality
>>>>>>                    and diversity of
>>>>>>                       participation.
>>>>>>                    Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
>>>>>>                    Blog: http://isocmadras.blogspot.com
>>>>>>                    facebook: http://is.gd/x8Sh
>>>>>>                    LinkedIn: http://is.gd/x8U6
>>>>>>                    Twitter: http://is.gd/x8Vz
>>>>>>                    On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 5:55 PM,  
>>>>>> Sivasubramanian
>>>>>>                    Muthusamy <isolatedn at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:isolatedn at gmail.com>
>>>>>>                    <mailto:isolatedn at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:isolatedn at gmail.com>>> wrote:
>>>>>>                       Hello Ginger
>>>>>>                       Will have just a little time to spend on  
>>>>>> this,
>>>>>>                    will review the
>>>>>>                       complete questionnaire comments, and  
>>>>>> reword the
>>>>>>                    Q6 comment, but
>>>>>>                       don't really have a lot of time today.  
>>>>>> Leaving
>>>>>>                    for the city in a
>>>>>>                       few hours for a short trip, will find  
>>>>>> some time
>>>>>>                    to work tomorrow
>>>>>>                       as well, but not tonight.
>>>>>>                       Would prefer this as an IGC statement,  
>>>>>> rather
>>>>>>                    than as an
>>>>>>                       independent proposal, which I could have  
>>>>>> sent it
>>>>>>                    on my own but
>>>>>>                       preferred not to.
>>>>>>                       Shiva.
>>>>>>                       On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 5:14 PM, Ginger  
>>>>>> Paque
>>>>>>                    <gpaque at gmail.com <mailto:gpaque at gmail.com>
>>>>>>                       <mailto:gpaque at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:gpaque at gmail.com>>> wrote:
>>>>>>                           Hi Shiva,
>>>>>>                           I was referring to Q6, as several of  
>>>>>> us -
>>>>>>                    including myself,
>>>>>>                           and Ian, as well as Michael and  
>>>>>> others, are
>>>>>>                    not yet satisfied
>>>>>>                           with the wording on the funding  
>>>>>> concept. You
>>>>>>                    are welcome to
>>>>>>                           continue the discussion and see if  
>>>>>> you can
>>>>>>                    reach a consensus
>>>>>>                           on it, but I suspect that by the time
>>>>>>                    everyone is happy, the
>>>>>>                           statement won't say much of anything.  
>>>>>> Could
>>>>>>                    you review the
>>>>>>                           thread on Q6, including Ian's answer  
>>>>>> to the
>>>>>>                    complete
>>>>>>                           questionnaire draft, and tell us what  
>>>>>> you think?
>>>>>>                           Let's look at Q 3 separately, ok?
>>>>>>                           Thanks. I appreciate your willingness  
>>>>>> to discuss.
>>>>>>                           Best,
>>>>>>                           Ginger
>>>>>>                           Sivasubramanian Muthusamy wrote:
>>>>>>                               Hello Ginger
>>>>>>                               You would like this submitted as  
>>>>>> my own
>>>>>>                    comment, rather
>>>>>>                               than as an IGC statement? Is this  
>>>>>> only on
>>>>>>                    Q6 or does it
>>>>>>                               also apply to Q3?
>>>>>>                               There were further exchanges  
>>>>>> between
>>>>>>                    Gurstein and me, and
>>>>>>                               the misunderstanding are being  
>>>>>> clarified.
>>>>>>                    Would you really
>>>>>>                               feel that the entire statement  
>>>>>> has to be
>>>>>>                    dropped as
>>>>>>                               comment from IGC?
>>>>>>                               Thanks.
>>>>>>                               On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 4:40 PM,  
>>>>>> Ginger Paque
>>>>>>                               <gpaque at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:gpaque at gmail.com> <mailto:gpaque at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:gpaque at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>                               <mailto:gpaque at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:gpaque at gmail.com> <mailto:gpaque at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:gpaque at gmail.com>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>                                  Shiva, As there seems to be  
>>>>>> quite a
>>>>>>                    bit of controversy
>>>>>>                               about this
>>>>>>                                  concept and wording, and we  
>>>>>> are very
>>>>>>                    short on time, I
>>>>>>                               wonder if we
>>>>>>                                  could continue this discussion  
>>>>>> after
>>>>>>                    the questionnaire is
>>>>>>                                  submitted, perhaps for  
>>>>>> comments to be
>>>>>>                    submitted by the
>>>>>>                               August
>>>>>>                                  deadline?
>>>>>>                                  In the meantime, you could  
>>>>>> submit your
>>>>>>                    own comment,
>>>>>>                               which would
>>>>>>                                  give you more freedom to make  
>>>>>> your
>>>>>>                    point. Is that
>>>>>>                               acceptable to you?
>>>>>>                                  Regards,
>>>>>>                                  Ginger
>>>>>>                                  Sivasubramanian Muthusamy wrote:
>>>>>>                                      Hello Michael Gurstein
>>>>>>                                      A quick reply and a little  
>>>>>> more later.
>>>>>>                                      On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at  
>>>>>> 6:12 AM,
>>>>>>                    Michael Gurstein
>>>>>>                                      <gurstein at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com>
>>>>>>                    <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com 
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>                               <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com>
>>>>>>                    <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com 
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>                                      <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com>
>>>>>>                               <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>                    <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com 
>>>>>> >
>>>>>>                               <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>                                         Hi,
>>>>>>                                             -----Original  
>>>>>> Message-----
>>>>>>                                             *From:*  
>>>>>> Sivasubramanian
>>>>>>                    Muthusamy
>>>>>>                                      [mailto:isolatedn at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:isolatedn at gmail.com>
>>>>>>                               <mailto:isolatedn at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:isolatedn at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>                    <mailto:isolatedn at gmail.com <mailto:isolatedn at gmail.com 
>>>>>> >
>>>>>>                               <mailto:isolatedn at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:isolatedn at gmail.com>>>
>>>>>>                                             <mailto:isolatedn at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:isolatedn at gmail.com>
>>>>>>                               <mailto:isolatedn at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:isolatedn at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>                    <mailto:isolatedn at gmail.com <mailto:isolatedn at gmail.com 
>>>>>> >
>>>>>>                               <mailto:isolatedn at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:isolatedn at gmail.com>>>>]
>>>>>>                                             *Sent:* Sunday,  
>>>>>> July 12,
>>>>>>                    2009 6:18 PM
>>>>>>                                             *To:*
>>>>>>                    governance at lists.cpsr.org
>>>>>>                    <mailto:governance at lists.cpsr.org>
>>>>>>                               <mailto:governance at lists.cpsr.org
>>>>>>                    <mailto:governance at lists.cpsr.org>>
>>>>>>                                      <mailto:governance at lists.cpsr.org
>>>>>>                    <mailto:governance at lists.cpsr.org>
>>>>>>                               <mailto:governance at lists.cpsr.org
>>>>>>                    <mailto:governance at lists.cpsr.org>>>
>>>>>>                                                                <mailto:governance at lists.cpsr.org
>>>>>>                    <mailto:governance at lists.cpsr.org>
>>>>>>                               <mailto:governance at lists.cpsr.org
>>>>>>                    <mailto:governance at lists.cpsr.org>>
>>>>>>                                      <mailto:governance at lists.cpsr.org
>>>>>>                    <mailto:governance at lists.cpsr.org>
>>>>>>                               <mailto:governance at lists.cpsr.org
>>>>>>                    <mailto:governance at lists.cpsr.org>>>>;  
>>>>>> Michael Gurstein
>>>>>>                                             *Subject:* Re:  
>>>>>> [governance]
>>>>>>                    Question 6:
>>>>>>                               Comments on Siva's
>>>>>>                                             proposed paras
>>>>>>                                             Hello Michael  
>>>>>> Gurstein,
>>>>>>                                             On Mon, Jul 13,  
>>>>>> 2009 at
>>>>>>                    2:50 AM, Michael
>>>>>>                               Gurstein
>>>>>>                                             <gurstein at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com>
>>>>>>                               <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>                    <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com 
>>>>>> >
>>>>>>                               <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com>>>
>>>>>>                                      <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com>
>>>>>>                               <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>                    <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com 
>>>>>> >
>>>>>>                               <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com
>>>>>>                    <mailto:gurstein at gmail.com>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>                                                 "The Internet
>>>>>>                    Governance Caucus calls
>>>>>>                               upon the IGF
>>>>>>                                                 Secretariat to  
>>>>>> fund the
>>>>>>                    IGF programs and
>>>>>>                               participation
>>>>>>                                                 substantially and
>>>>>>                    significantly to
>>>>>>                               further enhance the
>>>>>>                                                 quality of  
>>>>>> programs
>>>>>>                    with greater
>>>>>>                               diversity of
>>>>>>                                                 participation"  
>>>>>> sounds
>>>>>>                    better?                                 YES...
>>>>>>                                      Thanks.
>>>>>>                                                 There are two  
>>>>>> aspects
>>>>>>                    to be considered
>>>>>>                               in this
>>>>>>                                      regard: a)
>>>>>>                                                 The absence or
>>>>>>                                                 non- 
>>>>>> participation of
>>>>>>                    some of the world's
>>>>>>                               most renowned
>>>>>>                                                 Civil Society  
>>>>>> opinion
>>>>>>                                                 leaders is  
>>>>>> noticeable;
>>>>>>                    Business Leaders
>>>>>>                               who are
>>>>>>                                      otherwise
>>>>>>                                                 committed to
>>>>>>                                                 social and other
>>>>>>                    governance issues off
>>>>>>                               IGF are not
>>>>>>                                      seen at
>>>>>>                                                 the IGF;
>>>>>>                                                 Governments are  
>>>>>> not
>>>>>>                    represented on a
>>>>>>                               level high enough
>>>>>>                                                 HMMM. WHO/WHAT  
>>>>>> EXACTLY
>>>>>>                    IS MEANT BY
>>>>>>                               "RENOWNED CIVIL
>>>>>>                                      SOCIETY
>>>>>>                                                 OPINION LEADERS"
>>>>>>                                                 (IN SOME  
>>>>>>                    ARE AT LEAST TWO AND
>>>>>>                                      PROBABLY MORE
>>>>>>                                                 INTERNAL
>>>>>>                                                 CONTRADITIONS  
>>>>>> IN THAT
>>>>>>                    SIMPLE STATEMENT
>>>>>>                               AND CERTAINLY
>>>>>>                                                 NEITHER WE NOR  
>>>>>> THE
>>>>>>                                                 SECRETARIAT  
>>>>>> SHOULD BE
>>>>>>                    EXPECTED TO
>>>>>>                               IDENTIFY WHO THESE
>>>>>>                                                 "RENOWNED"  
>>>>>>                                                 BE.
>>>>>>                                                 AS WELL, ARE WE  
>>>>>> LOOKING
>>>>>>                    FOR CIVIL
>>>>>>                               SOCIETY "LEADERS" OR
>>>>>>                                                 FOLKS FROM CIVIL
>>>>>>                                                 SOCIETY  
>>>>>>                    IN LEADERSHIP
>>>>>>                               POSITIONS, OR
>>>>>>                                      ARE WE
>>>>>>                                                 LOOKING FOR CIVIL
>>>>>>                                                 SOCIETY  
>>>>>>                    WHO UNDERSTAND IG
>>>>>>                               ISSUES, OR
>>>>>>                                      ARE WE
>>>>>>                                                 LOOKING FOR  
>>>>>> LEADERS
>>>>>>                                                 OF RESPONSIBLE
>>>>>>                    REPRESENTATIVE CS
>>>>>>                               ORGANIZATIONS WHO
>>>>>>                                      HAVE A
>>>>>>                                                                    POSITION 
>>>>>>                               (EACH OF THESE
>>>>>>                                                 CATEGORIES IS
>>>>>>                                                 PROBABLY  
>>>>>>                    COULD BE INCLUDED
>>>>>>                               AMBIGUOUSLY
>>>>>>                                      UNDER
>>>>>>                                                 YOUR STATEMENT.
>>>>>>                                                 IF BIZ LEADERS  
>>>>>> THINK IT
>>>>>>                    IS OF SUFFICIENT
>>>>>>                               IMPORTANCE
>>>>>>                                                 THEY'LL LIKELY  
>>>>>> COME, IF
>>>>>>                                                 NOT, NOT AND  
>>>>>> NOT MUCH
>>>>>>                    WE OR THE
>>>>>>                               SECRETARIAT CAN DO
>>>>>>                                      ABOUT
>>>>>>                                                 THAT AND  
>>>>>>                                                 WITH GOVERNMENTS.
>>>>>>                                                 I THINK THIS PARA
>>>>>>                    SHOULD BE DROPPED...
>>>>>>                                             I am sorry, I don't  
>>>>>> agree
>>>>>>                    with your negative
>>>>>>                                      interpretation of
>>>>>>                                             such a positive  
>>>>>> suggestion.
>>>>>>                    Are we to assert
>>>>>>                               that the
>>>>>>                                      present
>>>>>>                                             participants  
>>>>>> constitute a
>>>>>>                    complete,
>>>>>>                               representative, and
>>>>>>                                             ultimate  
>>>>>> group ?                                     NO, BUT
>>>>>>                               I'M HAVING
>>>>>>                                      TROUBLE SEEING WHAT NAOMI  
>>>>>> KLEIN OR
>>>>>>                    VENDANA
>>>>>>                                             SHIVA WOULD HAVE TO
>>>>>>                    CONTRIBUTE EITHER...
>>>>>>                                      I will have to browse a  
>>>>>> little to
>>>>>>                    learn about Naomi
>>>>>>                               Klein;
>>>>>>                                      Vendana Shiva is an Indian  
>>>>>> name
>>>>>>                    that sounds
>>>>>>                               familiar, but I
>>>>>>                                      wasn't thinking of these  
>>>>>> names,
>>>>>>                    nor was my point
>>>>>>                               intended to
>>>>>>                                      bring in anyone whom I  
>>>>>> know or
>>>>>>                    associated with.
>>>>>>                                Looks like
>>>>>>                                      you are reading between  
>>>>>> the lines
>>>>>>                    of what I write.
>>>>>>                                                     HAVING THE  
>>>>>> HEAD OF
>>>>>>                    SEWA OR K-NET
>>>>>>                               WOULD SEEM TO
>>>>>>                                      ME TO BE RATHER
>>>>>>                                             MORE USEFUL,  
>>>>>> "RENOWNED" OR
>>>>>>                    NOT, AS THEY AT
>>>>>>                               LEAST COULD TALK
>>>>>>                                             WITH SOME DIRECT  
>>>>>>                    ABOUT HOW IG
>>>>>>                               ISSUES IMPACT
>>>>>>                                      THEM AND
>>>>>>                                             THE KINDS OF THINGS  
>>>>>> THEY
>>>>>>                    ARE TRYING TO DO ON
>>>>>>                               THE GROUND.
>>>>>>                                      Again an Indian reference  
>>>>>> - you
>>>>>>                    have used the word
>>>>>>                               "Sewa" in
>>>>>>                                      your comment. Perhaps you  
>>>>>> are
>>>>>>                    reading me as someone
>>>>>>                               pushing
>>>>>>                                      the Indian point of view?  
>>>>>> I am
>>>>>>                    not. I am born in
>>>>>>                               India, a
>>>>>>                                      participant from India, I  
>>>>>> have
>>>>>>                    faith in and respect
>>>>>>                               for my
>>>>>>                                      country but I believe that  
>>>>>> in an
>>>>>>                    International
>>>>>>                               context I am at
>>>>>>                                      least a little wider than a
>>>>>>                    national.  I have been
>>>>>>                               inspired by
>>>>>>                                      teachers who taught me in my
>>>>>>                    school days that
>>>>>>                               "patriotism is a
>>>>>>                                      prejudice" which is profound
>>>>>>                    thinking which in
>>>>>>                               depths implies
>>>>>>                                      that one must be beyond  
>>>>>> being
>>>>>>                    patriotic and be
>>>>>>                               rather global.
>>>>>>                                      (Will come back this point  
>>>>>> and
>>>>>>                    write more in
>>>>>>                               response to what
>>>>>>                                      you have written a little  
>>>>>> later)
>>>>>>                                      Thank you.
>>>>>>                                      Sivasubramanian Muthusamy.
>>>>>>                                                             MBG
>>>>>>                                                                              Sivasubramanian 
>>>>>>  Muthusamy
>>>>>>                                                                                                           M
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