[governance] MAG Noncom Pool list closes January 6th -- Current 30

Stuart Hamilton Stuart.Hamilton at ifla.org
Mon Jan 5 11:28:23 EST 2009

Please add my name too.





Stuart Hamilton

Senior Policy Advisor

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions

P.O. Box 95312
2509 CH The Hague



00 31 70 314 0884




From: Ginger Paque [mailto:ginger at paque.net] 
Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2009 10:38 PM
To: governance at lists.cpsr.org
Subject: [governance] MAG Noncom Pool list closes January 6th -- Current 30



Happy, healthy, peaceful wishes for 2009.


There are still a few days if you would like to add your name to the MAG Noncom Pool list. Although we have passed our minimum, statistically it is better to have a larger pool, and there is a psychological advantage as well, as more members become involved. Also, we also hope that after having volunteered once, you will find it much easier to volunteer next time J making the group more active and inclusive.


Thanks everybody!

Saludos, Ginger



1.  Jeanette Hofmann

2.  Maja Andjelkovic

3.  Philippe Dam

4.  Hanane Boujemi

5.  Raquel Gatto

6.  Rafik Dammak

7.  Shaila Mistry

8.  Tricia Wang

9.  Anja Kovacs

10. Hempal Shrestha

11. Adam Peake

12. Ken Lohento

13. Emmanuel Edet

14. Renate Bloem

15. Schombe Baudoin

16. Thomas Lowenhaupt

17. Javier Pinzón

18. Tapani Tarvainen

19. Tijani Ben Jemaa

20. Katitza Rodriguez

21. Jameleddine Khemakhem

22. Norbert Klein

23. Rudi Vansnick

24. Omar Kaminski

25. Ray Plzak

26. Siranush Vardanyan

27. JFC Morfin (Note: joined 16 November 2008)

28. Bret Fausett

29. Asif Kabani

30. Dave Kissoondoyal



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