[governance] Truth in Statements was: Statement by IGC supporting rights and principles for upcoming IGF OC

Eric Dierker cogitoergosum at sbcglobal.net
Sun Aug 23 20:28:23 EDT 2009

Your double speak is a little hard to follow.  You wrote:   "I think we all agree on the general idea that freedom of expression and communication must be protected." (note the use of "protected"* 
But as a co-coordinator of this list, you did nothing to correct this innaccurate attempt to limit my speech on this list: ***  It was public bullying that was clearly intended to wrongfully limit speech.
May I remind you that you are in a position of power, responsibility and trust to guide and set by example the Open and Free Speech of this list.  You have done nothing wrong per se.  You have just failed to do the right thing, which in "Governance" is a far far worse offense.**
I want to fully endorse and lend my support to this "Statement" of principles. But how can I when I know your actions make your words hollow and hypocritical?  I assume you will go and check my posts for a given 24hour period and find that no more than five were ever posted by me. That I violated no rules and that my netiquette was impeccable and that I was on topic.  (hopefully you will find that you can bend and apply the rules to either promote open speech or that you can apply them to promote limitation and worse.)
Then we will see the Mettle of this list and it's elected officials.
* Protected indicating action and statements by such action -- in our case words.
**Notice the foot note in Ginger's quotation - to limit activity on line.
[governance] Public warning to Erik Dierker

Tuesday, August 18, 2009 2:12 AM


"Ian Peter" <ian.peter at ianpeter.com>Add sender to Contacts 

governance at lists.cpsr.org, "Eric Dierker" <cogitoergosum at sbcglobal.net>, "Ginger Paque" <gpaque at gmail.com>

--- On Sun, 8/23/09, Ginger Paque <gpaque at gmail.com> wrote:

From: Ginger Paque <gpaque at gmail.com>
Subject: [governance] Statement by IGC supporting rights and principles for upcoming IGF OC
To: "'governance at lists.cpsr.org'" <governance at lists.cpsr.org>
Date: Sunday, August 23, 2009, 2:01 PM

This article from "New Scientist" gives a good overview of the importance of the Internet for Communication, and the need to keep it as a "free space". While we may disagree on any specific topic, I think we all agree on the general idea that freedom of expression and communication must be protected. Internet Governance is an important tool for that protection, as it can strategize across borders. It reminds me that I think that the the IGC should take a strong stance on the issue of Internet rights. There will be Open Consultations for the IGF in Geneva in September. I think we should have a short, concise statement of support for rights and principles to be emphasized in the agenda at Sharm El Sheikh. It is probably too late to make any significant changes to the agenda, but I think it is important to keep our point in the discussion, even if it is just in laying the groundwork for next year.

Any thoughts, suggestions, comments? Can someone propose a working draft?

Best, Ginger


WHEN thousands of protestors took to the streets in Iran following this year's disputed presidential election, Twitter messages sent by activists let the world know about the brutal policing that followed. A few months earlier, campaigners in Moldova used Facebook to organise protests against the country's communist government, and elsewhere too the internet is playing an increasing role in political dissent.
**Now governments are trying to regain control. By reinforcing their efforts to monitor activity online, they hope to deprive dissenters of information and the ability to communicate.**

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