[governance] International Telecommunication Union criticised forits

Jeffrey A. Williams jwkckid1 at ix.netcom.com
Mon Oct 27 22:26:18 EDT 2008

Rui and all,

  Yes the ITU has been enguaged in this sort of activity for a number
of years but has been able for most of that time to keep it under
wraps or not verifiable.  I share in the disgust myself, as do most
of our members in this sort of activity.

Rui Correia wrote:

> 27.10.2008 13:35
> « Previous | Next »
> International Telecommunication Union criticised for its role in
> internet snooping
> At EuroDIG, the first European Dialogue on Internet Governance, the
> scientists and experts of the Council of Europe have sharply
> criticised the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for acting
> behind closed doors in its initiatives towards cybersecurity
> standardization. Bertrand de la Chapelle, godfather of the first
> EuroDIG on behalf of the French government, said EuroDIG should tell
> the ITU to allow all interest groups to participate in discussing new
> technology standards. The recent meeting in Strasbourg emphasized the
> idea of cooperation between governments, the industry and users as one
> of the central points to be presented at the UN Internet Governance
> Forum in Hyderabad.
> Just recently, the ITU's work on standards
> for back-tracing IP addresses caused something of a furore. Yet, said
> Bill Drake, a scientist at the Center for International Governance at
> the Graduate School in Geneva, this work was only a tiny part of the
> work being done in the sensitive area of IT security. He warned that
> China, Russia and the USA could become the new axis of evil, pushing
> forward the integration of new ways of snooping on the internet. There
> was in his view an ambitious agenda extending beyond technical
> questions all the way up to legal regulations to counter cybercrime.
> If you had access to the documents, Drake said, you could see
> everything that was going on, but the ITU was not an open
> organisation. Drake's criticism was echoed by other representatives of
> non-governmental organisations, complaining that draft standards in
> domains that were of great significance for all users, such as
> identity management, were not being made available to the public or to
> interested circles. Drake warned that ITU member countries and its
> member firms might thus be setting the agenda for the ways and means
> in which the internet could be used in future. When he mentioned
> possible problems with the work of the ITU to non-governmental
> organisations, he said, they dismissed the ITU as a powerless
> "dinosaur". But he recommended by contrast that European governments
> and organizations should make a clear demand for more transparency
> from the ITU. If Europe did not do this, he stressed, neither the USA,
> Russia, nor China could be expected to do so.
> Thomas Schneider of the Swiss Office for Communications pointed out
> that, during the last general meeting of the ITU, the so called
> Plenipotentiary Conference of the Member Countries, a series of
> European countries had insisted, jointly with Switzerland, on the ITU
> experimentally allowing public access to the technology documents. The
> ITU had now carried out a series of consultations, he said, but each
> time only a handful of experts had spoken up. If the Europeans did not
> get involved in this process, it was to some extent their problem.
> Alexander Seger, head of the Council of Europe's Division of Economic
> Crime, expressed further criticism of the ITU. Up to a year ago, he
> said, the experts of the Council of Europe had worked together quite
> well with the ITU as the organisation commissioned with following up
> on the World Summit on the Information Society. But, ever since the
> ITU had published its cybersecurity agenda, there had been enormous
> problems with such cooperation. Seger demanded that the ITU return to
> its role as an organizer of the process. The Council of Europe is also
> concentrating heavily on the topic of security as a custodian of the
> Cybercrime Convention.
> See also:
>    * EU to take action against "cyberbullying" and "cybergrooming"
> (Monika Ermert) (jk/c't)
> --
> ________________________________________________
> Rui Correia
> Advocacy, Human Rights, Media and Language Consultant
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