[governance] [Fwd: Re: [At-Large] Serious Allegations]
Jeffrey A. Williams
jwkckid1 at ix.netcom.com
Tue Nov 25 22:08:43 EST 2008
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [At-Large] Serious Allegations
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 19:07:57 -0800
From: "Jeffrey A. Williams" <jwkckid1 at ix.netcom.com>
Organization: IDNS and Spokesman for INEGroup
To: At-Large Worldwide <at-large at atlarge-lists.icann.org>,Danny Younger
<dannyyounger at yahoo.com>,ICANN Policy staff <policy-staff at icann.org>,GAC
Rep <ssene at ntia.doc.gov>,"twomey at icann.org" <twomey at icann.org>,Peter
Dengate Thrush <barrister at chambers.gen.nz>
CC: NA Discuss <na-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org>,"ICANN Admin supp.
Manager Karen Lettner" <karen.lettner at icann.org>,icann board
<icann-board at icann.org>,ICANN Dan Halloran <halloran at icann.org>,ICANN
Kim Davies <kim.davies at icann.org>,icann legal <jeffrey at icann.org>,ICANN
Marc Salvatierra <marc.salvatierra at icann.org>,ICANN Marilyn Vernon
<marilyn.vernon at icann.org>,"'John L. Crain'" <john.crain at icann.org>, Ga
<ga at gnso.icann.org>,Kieren McCarthy <kieren.mccarthy at icann.org>,
cmarsan at nww.com
BCC: Izumi AIZU <iza at anr.org>, Jaap Akkerhuis
<jaap at NLnetLabs.nl>,"Jacqueline A. Morris"
<jam at jacquelinemorris.com>,James Seng <james at seng.sg>, Jeanette Hofmann
<jeanette at wzb.eu>,Jeff Neuman <Jeff.Neuman at neustar.us>,Jeremy Malcolm
<jeremy at ciroap.org>,JFC Morfin <jefsey at club-internet.fr>,2nd addr for
Robert Guerra <lists at privaterra.info>,Hong Xue <hongxueipr at gmail.com>,
Hovav Shacham <hovav at hovav.net>
References: <276750.3575.qm at web52211.mail.re2.yahoo.com>
Danny and all,
Yes Danny, these are very telling and serious allegations,
and point to what has been sense the inception of ICANN
at the center of it's controversy which remains today, and
growing stronger nearly daily.
DNSSEC not implemented properly as I and a very few
others have all along contended can be more of a hindrance
than an advantage. As such given ICANN lack of technical
expertise that has all too often been evident and recognized,
ceding the Legacy Roots to ICANN alone without government
oversight, is unfortunately a risk that at this time should not be
considered. Yet I still myself remain optimistic that some day
ICANN once it has significantly reformed, can and will be
ready for such a lofty responsibility. Without a secure and
safe DNS, all else that occurs in the use of the Internet is
circumspect at a minimum, and coincidence in the ecommerce
global marketplace remains far, and increasingly more dangerous
than can lone be realistically endured or afforded.
Danny Younger wrote:
> interesting read...
> http://www.ntia.doc.gov/DNS/comments/comment027.pdf
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