[governance] Simple and basic questions

McTim dogwallah at gmail.com
Tue May 27 04:08:57 EDT 2008

MIlton, interesting questions that i'd like to comment on.

On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 11:09 PM, Milton L Mueller <mueller at syr.edu> wrote:
> Suresh:
> You have been very active lately on the IGC list.
> If I am not mistaken, however, you have, prior to this, repeatedly asserted
> that you think the IGF is a useless institution, even though this caucus is
> organized primarily around it, and that this caucus has no impact on real
> Internet goverance.

It would if it focused on getting people involved in Internet
governance directly, and not on such indirect methods such as the IGF.

> I find this confusing. Can you answer a few simple questions, please?
> Are you a member of IGC? I.e., have you signed the charter?

I am and I have.

> Do you think the UN IG Forum has an important and legitimate role in
> internet governance, and if so, what is it?

The role is to do discussion and capacity building IMHO.

> Is your participation in caucus discussion intended to strengthen
> our ability to build a forum for discussion, advocacy, action, and for
> representation of civil society contributions in Internet governance
> processes?

If we would actually encourage more CS participation in existing IG
processes, I would be much happier with the work of this caucus.

> If you think we are all wasting our time here, why are _you_ here?

We waste a lot of time talking about the shape of the table issues,
when there are many, perfectly good tables in use that we pretty much
ignore (except to exclude them, and not count them as "us").


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