[governance] The New Class: Civil Society Professionals?
Jeanette Hofmann
jeanette at wzb.eu
Thu May 22 13:09:32 EDT 2008
Wolfgang, could you not post again your reply to Veni you sent to the
public voice list? I think should settle this useless discussion.
Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> Bret Fausett [22/05/08 09:33 -0700]:
>> I'm going to take a deep breath and a day or two to digest Veni's
>> entire post, but the idea that anyone would view CS as the path to a
>> lavish lifestyle is plain silly. I know most of the people who post to
>> this list, and I can tell you to an absolute certainty that if they
>> spent their time on virtually any commercial endeavor, they would
>> make substantially more money.
> Like I said, Bret, dont view this from "first world CS" perspectives.
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