[governance] Infomration session - 21 May, 1.00 pm - participation of relevant stakeholders in the ITU activities...
CONGO - Philippe Dam
wsis at ngocongo.org
Tue May 20 11:18:35 EDT 2008
Dear all,
This to remind you that the ITU Secretariat will hold an information session
on the on going consultation process on the issue of participation of
relevant stakeholders in the ITU activities related to WSIS. At the request
of the ITU WG working on this issue, a questionnaire open to all WSIS CS
accredited stakeholders has been circulated and deadline for answering this
questionnaire is 15 June 2008.
The Information session, taking place tomorrow on 21 May (1.00-2.00 pm in
Room C2 at the ITU), will provide an opportunity for raising any question or
comment on this consultation process - and on the activities of the WG.
Note that CONGO would be happy to consider including in its answer to the
questionnaire some inputs from non-WSIS accredited CS entities who might be
interested in this issue.
- ITU Council working on the study on the Participation of all
relevant stakeholders in ITU Activities related to WSIS:
- On Line Questionnaire for all WSIS accredited entities:
- Invitation to the 21 May information session on the open
The answers to this online questionnaire will be considered by the ITU WG at
its next meeting in September 2008. The Co-Chair of the Working Group will
be participating in this information session.
We will provide you with a complete summary of this session.
Philippe Dam
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