[governance] TR: Sponsorship for NGOs and CS entities to the CSTD 11th Session - Application process OPEN - deadline 1st April 2008
CONGO WSIS - Philippe Dam
wsis at ngocongo.org
Thu Mar 27 06:41:34 EDT 2008
Dear all,
This is to remind you that the deadline for application to a sponsorship for
civil society participants from developing countries or economies in
transition is 1st April 2008, to attend the 11th session of the CSTD (26-30
May 2008) and which can also be used for the previous meetings of the
cluster of WSIS related events (mostly 19-23 May 2008). All modalities are
detailed in my previous e-mail below.
Please circulate this information to your networks.
Note that a provisional calendar of WSIS related events at the UN is
available at www.csbureau.info/posttunis.htm.
De : CONGO WSIS - Philippe Dam [mailto:wsis at ngocongo.org]
Envoyé : lundi, 10. mars 2008 21:44
À : 'Virtual WSIS CS Plenary Group Space'; governance at lists.cpsr.org;
gov at wsis-gov.org
Cc : 'CONGO - Philippe Dam'; congo at ngocongo.org
Objet : Sponsorship for NGOs and CS entities to the CSTD 11th Session -
Application process OPEN
Importance : Haute
Dear all,
As previously announced on that list, this is the most recent information
regarding the opportunities of fellowships for civil society participants in
the upcoming 11th session of the Commission on Science and Technology for
Development, 26-30 May 2008 (in the UNCTAD jargon, sponsored CS participants
are called procedure of invited meeting participants).
The sponsorship procedure will allow around 12 civil society participants to
be funded for their participation in the CSTD. This process is reserved for
NGO and civil society representatives from developing countries and
countries with economies in transition. The support for invited participants
in the CTSD-11 will include an invitation letter to attend the 11th session
of the CSTD, an economy class ticket and the normal UN Duty station
allowance for Geneva for the duration of the CSTD session.
In this regard, note that the daily allowance in Geneva as practiced within
UNCATD is quite high so that civil society participants requesting this
fellowship could easily opt for a reasonable price hotel / accommodation in
Geneva and arrive in Geneva earlier for the beginning of the cluster of WSIS
related meetings (Action Line Facilitation process and IGF Open
consultation, see updated calendar at
http://www.csbureau.info/posttunis.htm), and therefore maximizing the use of
he fellowship beyond the time of the CSTD session alone.
Representatives of NGOs in Consultative Status with ECOSOC and of civil
society entities accredited to WSIS are eligible for requesting a
Other criteria and conditions are precisely spelled out in the attached
Deadline: The deadline for submission of the fellowship request is Tuesday 1
April 2008.
The nomination form should be sent back at the following e-mail address:
cstd-csparticipation at unctad.org
therefore their final repartition WILL BE PROCESSED BY THE CTSD
SECRETARIAT HOSTED BY UNCTAD and not by me or my organisation (CONGO).
Please circulate this information to your networks.
Feel free to get back to us for any question or request for additional
information: we would be happy to liaise with the CTSD Secretariat.
Ill send in a few minutes additional information on the drafting process of
the WSIS Report 2008, for which CS contributions and comments are highly
welcome by the CSTD Secretariat. Ill attach the current outline of the
- Commission on Science and Technology for Development:
- CONGO calendar of WSIS related meetings:
All the best,
Philippe Dam
CONGO - Information Society &
Human Rights Coordinator
11, Avenue de la Paix
CH-1202 Geneva
Tel: +41 22 301 1000
Fax: +41 22 301 2000
E-mail: <mailto:wphilippe.dam at ngocongo.org> philippe.dam at ngocongo.org
Website: <blocked::http://www.ngocongo.org> www.ngocongo.org
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