[governance] NOMCOM - MAG
parminder at itforchange.net
Tue Mar 25 09:21:30 EDT 2008
Thanks a lot, Rudi. We do need more people to volunteer, and especially from
different parts of the world, which may currently be under-represented.
However, I am not clear about your self-declaration which mentions both
private sector and NGO.
To be a full member of the IGC one has to self-declare oneself as a civil
society person. Such full membership is necessary to hold caucus
appointments, like being on the nomcom. And as understood by us, civil
society stands in some kind of a distinction vis a vis governments and
governance institutions on one hand, and private / business sector on the
other. This distinction for us is most valid from the point of view of the
principal political identity and representation a person brings in vis a vis
IG policies and advocacy, the arena of activity of this caucus.
So responding to way you have proposed your volunteer-ship as 'from
Indonesia private sector' I must seek this clarification from you whether
you affirm yourself to be civil society person, and representing public
interest, and not private and/or business interests, individually or in
aggregation, in terms of your engagement with IG issues.
I am sorry if this appears a bit complicated, and I am happy to give any
clarification on this list, or offlist, i.e. in response to an email send to
my id alone.
Thanks and Regards
From: rusdiah at rad.net.id [mailto:rusdiah at rad.net.id]
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 12:00 PM
To: governance at lists.cpsr.org; karen banks
Cc: governance at lists.cpsr.org; Rudi Vansnick
Subject: Rudi Rusdiah - APW - Indonesia [governance] NOMCOM - MAG
I am willing to volunteer from Indonesia Private Sector (NGO) :
Rudi Rusdiah
Association of Community Internet Center - APWKomitel (Asosiasi Pengusaha
( http://www.apwkomitel.org , community mailing list:
apwkomitel at yahoogroups.com (3,000 members) )
Jakarta , Indonesia
GSM: +6281 677 4203
Fax: +6221 7507545
> hi
> as per email parminder, i'm available for nomcom
> karen
> At 01:25 20/03/2008, Rudi Vansnick wrote:
>>I'm willing to serve in the nomcom.
>>Rudi Vansnick
>>President - CEO Internet Society Belgium vzw
>>Board member ISOC-ECC Barcelona-Spain
>>EURALO board member
>>/Dendermondesteenweg 143 - B-9070 Destelbergen
>>GSM: +32 (0)475 28 16 32
>>Tel: +32 (0)70 77 39 39/
>>Parminder schreef:
>>>Hi All
>>>I request urgent submission of names by those ready to volunteer
>>>for the noncom. We need 25 names to do a random selection of 5, and
>>>we have till now only a couple. Pl do it today, preferably.
>>>We need to have a nomcom as soon as possible.
>>>Meanwhile the discussion on the issue of how and why of rotation
>>>can go on, and the nomcom can pick up the sense of the group from
>>>these discussions, and if they wish engage directly with the group
>>>for clarifications. Meanwhile, I will try to evoke discussions on
>>>key issues and information that are important for the nomcom to
>>>achieve its purpose.
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