[governance] NOMCOM - MAG nominations
Carlos Afonso
ca at rits.org.br
Mon Mar 24 09:23:14 EDT 2008
This is basically what I have been saying in caucus meetings and in the
lists... I find it funny the CS people in the MAG are the ones left with
the task of honoring the Chatham House rules (or keeping discretion to a
point of sometimes not telling anything about what goes on inside the
MAG to the caucus), for example, as it would be a joke to imagine
government people not reporting to their superiors (and of course,
Virginia, from there on everybody would respect confidentiality rules),
ditto members of big organizations and companies.
The hard fact is that many (not all!) people in the MAG, be then CS or
not, will act as that little tick -- hard to remove. Meaning they will
do their best to get to the secretariat the message they, please, want
to stay -- either by personal interests and/or by order of their superiors.
So NomCom or not NomCom, we will probably see more of the same in the
upcoming MAG.
frt rgds
Milton L Mueller wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Adam Peake [mailto:ajp at glocom.ac.jp]
>> "10. With regard to the MAG's operating principles and selection
>> criteria, the group reaffirmed that members served in their
>> individual capacity.
> Right. Yeah. That's why we have 20 slots assigned to those individuals
> called "governments" and divvied up according to regions; that's why
> Theresa Swinehart has been known to break out into impassioned critiques
> of ICANN in the middle of MAG meetings with no fear of losing her job.
> And that's why the ICC/BASIS representatives occasionally blurt out,
> "you know, I think those Russian guys really have a point about US
> unilateral control!"
> C'mon, folks we all know a double standard when we see one.
> One the one hand powerful commercial and governmental interests insist
> on slots and quotas for their representatives, but civil society is
> supposed to be these cute little individualized pets wit no allegiance
> to anything. I don't begrudge ISOC, AUDA, Nominet, etc. the right to
> develop and advocate positions on the MAG, I just want public interest
> reps to be able to do the same thing.
>> These are not the caucus' rules, we're not bound by them, but it
>> would be a good idea to keep them in mind (if we submit a batch of
>> names saying they are the representatives of the caucus, people we
>> have power of recall over, etc, this may not sit well with the idea
>> that members serve in their individual capacity. The MAG's
>> recommendations came from the consultation process.)
> Um, the MAG's recommendations came from the MAG. I was at the latest
> consultation. This "individual capacity" stuff was not discussed.
> Anyway, are you telling me that ICC/BASIS has no power of recall over
> the person representing them on the MAG? That their reps don't advocate
> anything at all like the official ICC/BASIS statements? That the
> comments and basic positions of the person from ISOC are not vetted by
> the organization or do not reflect the organization's position?
> Could you really say that with a straight face?
>> I think Milton and Bill suggested MAG members needed few skills.
> Huh? It must have been "the other Milton." I think MAG members need lots
> of skills. I also think the worst thing you could do to an innocent and
> inexperienced CS person is to throw them into that highly politicized
> environment with no lodestone but their "individual capacity."
>> Should be willing to do work at the IGF meetings, from setting up
>> tables to moderating workshops etc.
> I don't recall seeing any of the government representatives setting up
> tables, Adam. I look forward to future IGFs even more now.
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