[governance] IGC nominees for MAG
Suresh Ramasubramanian
suresh at hserus.net
Mon Mar 17 13:10:06 EDT 2008
> time to change it now. By the way, your implied critique of an election
> -- that the electorate is ill-defined -- applies equally well, if not
> more so, to a randomly selected Nomcom drawn from that very same
> electorate and given powers to make decisions for the rest of us.
The electorate here is very well defined - membership of the list as of a
certain cutoff period. The cutoff is simply to ensure that people who have
participated so far are the ones who are voting, and to ensure that there is
a fixed, known number of voters.
Ballot can be open or secret, fine. But nomcomm adds a certain extra level
of indirection and perhaps even bias to the process, given that we have
clear and obvious splits evident on the list. These will be ironed out if
there's a ballot. But a smaller nomcomm chosen - even randomly - from this
larger electorate - may well serve to tilt the balance in favor of one camp
or the other.
> On the other hand, your attitude belies a much more problematic stance:
> Are you suggesting that you believe as a matter of principle that all
> existing MAG members must be supported, regardless of any evaluation of
> their performance? Regardless of the value of involving new people? Or
No. I am simply saying "put their names all forward for election. Let all
candidates stand in front"
Excluding any, all etc of them - if done - would then be much more
transparent than with a nomcomm.
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