[governance] IGC nominees for MAG
Milton L Mueller
mueller at syr.edu
Sat Mar 15 05:27:29 EDT 2008
> -----Original Message-----
> It's also true that the "up to 1/3" principle is not binding in any
> so if CS wanted to recommend that all seven rotate, it could certainly
> do so - at most, it would be the Secretary General to refuse to do
> if he thinks that continuity is more important than
Right, I think Lee, Vittorio and Avri have together given us the basic
elements of the way forward. Vittorio's comment above provides the most
sensible basis for moving forward.
I volunteer to be on the Nomcom.
We come up with a slate of 7 - 10 names. The degree to which those names
overlap with current MAG appointees is a matter for the NomCom to decide
-- drawing from, of course, discussions on the list. We could nominate
10 completely new people or return the same group with a few new names.
If we nominate a completely new slate and the IGF Secretariat and UN S-G
thinks there should be more continuity than we have proposed, their
final selection no doubt will reflect their opinion. If we propose
exactly the same slate as before, likewise they could choose to rotate
some of them. We have little control over that stage of the process,
which will no doubt be driven by all kinds of behind-the-scenes lobbying
I still believe firmly that all current MAG members from civil society
should express their willingness to rotate out along with their
expression of interest in remaining on. Ken Lohento's statement got it
just right and I thank him for his integrity.
--Milton Mueller
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