[governance] Workshop on Global Internet Governance - Paris, 23 June 2008 - Announcement and Call for Contributions
Meryem Marzouki
marzouki at ras.eu.org
Fri Mar 7 14:03:10 EST 2008
[Apologies in case of multiple reception.]
Dear colleagues, dear all,
Please find hereafter and as attached file the preliminary
announcement and call for contributions for an international academic
workshop on: "Global Internet Governance: An Interdisciplinary
Research Field in Construction".
This workshop is organized by GigaNet (the Global Internet Governance
Academic Network), in cooperation with two main French CNRS
pluridisciplinary networks of scholars in Internet-related studies:
the ICT and Society (GDR TICS) and Electronic Democracy (DEL) Networks.
The workshop will be held in Paris, France, on 23 June 2008 morning.
As many of us will converge to Paris to attend the ICANN meeting on
this same week, this workshop will be a great opportunity for the
international scientific community involved in the field, together
with other interested parties, to meet and exchange ideas based on a
survey of current academic projects running in the field.
Please distribute widely.
Best regards,
Meryem Marzouki (chair of the workshop organizing committee)
Meryem Marzouki
104 avenue du Président Kennedy - 75016 Paris
Global Internet Governance: An Interdisciplinary Research Field in
A GigaNet workshop, organized in cooperation with GDR TICS and DEL
www.igloo.org/giganet - gdrtics.u-paris10.fr - certop.fr/DEL
Paris, 23 June 2008 Morning
Preliminary Announcement and Call for Contributions
The Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet) invites you
to participate in a scholar workshop to be held in Paris, France, on
the morning of June 23rd. This workshop is organized in cooperation
with two main French pluridisciplinary networks of scholars in
Internet-related studies: the ICT and Society (GDR TICS) and
Electronic Democracy (DEL) Networks.
The purpose of the workshop, the first of its sort, is to allow
scholars involved in Internet Governance-related research to describe
their ongoing research projects to other scholars in the field, in
order to share ideas, forge possible collaborations, and identify
emerging research themes in the field. Scholars from various academic
disciplines and all regions of the world are welcome to contribute to
this reflexive exercise, with the long-term objective of collectively
building this interdisciplinary research field.
What is global Internet governance and what it is not? Are there any
differences in the way this process is understood, defined and
implemented in different regions of the world? Is it sensitive to
political and cultural backgrounds and traditions, and if so to which
extent and in which ways? How is Internet governance different from,
and related to, global governance of other information and
communication technologies? What could be the invariants of a global
governance process, irrespective of the domain area it addresses?
What are the national and regional projects and networks currently
pursuing research on Global Internet Governance? Is there any
academic syllabus or other education program dedicated to these
issues? These are among the many questions to be discussed by the
workshop participants.
Please send to the workshop organizing committee chair, Meryem
Marzouki (Meryem.Marzouki at lip6.fr) by April 15, 2008, your name,
affiliation, e-mail address and CV along with no more than 500 words
describing your ongoing projects. Rather than featuring academic
paper presentations, the workshop aims at providing a survey of
current academic activities in the field of global Internet
governance. Invitees selected by the organizing committee for
participation at round-table discussions will be notified by May 15,
Attendance to the workshop is free and open to all interested parties.
Organizing Committtee
Eric Brousseau (GDR TICS), U. Paris X, France; Divina Frau-Meigs
(GigaNet), U. Paris III, France; Nanette Levinson (GigaNet), American
U., USA; Meryem Marzouki (GigaNet), CNRS, France; Milton Mueller
(GigaNet), Syracuse U., USA; Thierry Vedel (DEL), CNRS, France; Rolf
Weber (GigaNet), U. Zürich, Switzerland.
GigaNet will hold its third annual Symposium in India, in conjunction
with the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). The call for papers will
be issued by end March 2008.
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