[governance] A Wave of the Watch List, and Speech Disappears

McTim dogwallah at gmail.com
Wed Mar 5 12:47:47 EST 2008


On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 7:08 PM,  <KovenRonald at aol.com> wrote:
> Dear Suresh --
>  Oh, dear, that comment does sound in and of itself like attempted
> censorship.
>  The NYTimes article was interesting, news to me, and demonstrated (contrary
> to what I had thought) that the USG has used its I'net oversight powers for
> a form of censorship.

I think you misunderstand the mechanism used in this case.  This one
had nothing to do with the root zone (but we always seem to come back
to it, for some reason).

I thought it was a perfectly valid piece of info to
> put on the list, and certainly more interesting than a lot of the personal
> backbiting that sometimes makes me want the list to just go away somewhere
> else.

probably true(about the backbiting), but if everyone on this list
posted everything that they came across which was somehow to do with
IG, well, I suspect we would all unsubscribe.  Suresh is right, fwding
random things without editorial content is, well, annoying.

Of course, I have a haiku for this thread as well;

Bush. Censorship. Wow.
IGF can stop this how?
Sovereignty. Sucks.


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