[governance] Cost of access - the meters ticking

McTim dogwallah at gmail.com
Wed Jun 4 13:43:29 EDT 2008

On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 8:18 PM, Parminder <parminder at itforchange.net> wrote:
> It is quite interesting that the same set of people (I am not referring to
> any specific person here) who have claimed that IGF should not focus,
> actually not even discuss ICANN/ RIR issues (the debates on this issue last
> year) since these are not real IG issues

No one has claimed this AFAIK.

IIRC, the issue is that there are fora already dedicated to these
issues, so trying to do it all again in the IGF is a duplication of
effort, and since the IGF is a only a "discussion" forum, it would be
a waste of energy.

, and claim that ICTs/ Internet for
> development is the real governance issue for IGF, want a lot of people from
> the ICANN/ RIR in IGF's MAG.

Well, connecting the next billion is a much more laudable goal than
bitching about ICANN IMHO.

> If these are not real governance and IGF issues, why do we need these people
> on the MAG and in IGF at all.
> And if Internet for development is the real governance issue do we not need
> more 'development' experts in the MAG. That's the real 'technical' expertise
> we should be trying to get into MAG, right.
> I must clarify that I do think that ICANN/ RIR issues are real governance
> and IGF issues, and therefore we must have ICANN/RIR etc people in the MAG.
> I am only pointing to what to me appears a strange paradox.

a paradox that you have invented, based on non-existing data.  This
is, seemingly just another red herring that takes the focus off our


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