Remmy Nweke
remmyn at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Jan 4 04:48:19 EST 2008
Thanks Kwami,
That's a good one but I don't think we as journalists need to wait until its war time to learn how to report on it when politicians messes us, like what is happening in Kenya right now.
I encourage folks to file in and better still engage the online version since it would have webcast and book afterwards.
Good luck.
kwasi boakye-akyeampong <kboakye1 at yahoo.co.uk> wrote: Folks,
Wondering if any on this list will find this interesting. Please pass it on to any colleagues who may be interested in this:
Good day,
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______________________________________REMMY NWEKE
Senior Reporter, IT & Telecom
Head, ICT Desk, Champion Newspapers Ltd
156/158 Oshodi-Apapa Expressway, Isolo Industrial Layout, Ilasamaja
P.O. Box 2276, Oshodi-Lagos, Fax: 234-01-4526017, 4524421
GSM: 234-8023122558, 8033592762, 8051000475
Editor, ITREALMS Online, www.itrealms.blogspot.com
email: remmyn at yahoo.co.uk
'First Nigerian IT African Siemens Profile Award winner-2004'
Second prize winner, ECA-AISI Media Award-05
'Two-time winner, African Siemens Profile Award IT Business Solution-2005'
Highway Africa News Agency (HANA) Journalist of the Year - 2006
Top prize winner HPcontest for Nigerian media 2006
First runner up Nigeria IT & Telecom Awards 2006
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