[governance] Consensus Call - IGC statements
Raquel Gatto
raquelgatto at uol.com.br
Sun Feb 24 08:49:57 EST 2008
yes for me! and thank you for the great work!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Parminder" <parminder at itforchange.net>
To: <governance at lists.cpsr.org>
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2008 4:37 AM
Subject: [governance] Consensus Call - IGC statements
> Changing the subject line, and marking as priority.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Parminder [mailto:parminder at itforchange.net]
>> Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2008 1:04 PM
>> To: 'governance at lists.cpsr.org'
>> Subject: IGC statements
>> Hi Everyone
>> Pl find enclosed the proposed caucus statements for the IGF open
>> consultations, seeking the group's consensus on them.
>> At this stage please indicate A CLEAR YES OR NO to the statements. Added
>> explanations etc are fine, but THE 'YES' OR 'NO' TO THE STATEMENTS as
>> proposed here (and at this stage unchangeable on any member's
>> suggestions)
>> If your response is NO, please also indicate which statement, and if
>> possible, which part of it you have specific objection to. This helps in
>> the process of calling a possible rough consensus.
>> When you accept such a group statement to be made it may not be exactly
>> the statement you will make for yourself, given the choice. However you
>> accept that given the prevailing views in the group this statement should
>> be made on the behalf of the group.
>> We need a good number of YESes for this statement to go, so pl indicate
>> your vote. Numbers also affirm the group's vitality and backing of the
>> work being done.
>> Parminder
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