[governance] Reconstituting MAG - FINAL(?) the missing

McTim dogwallah at gmail.com
Sat Feb 23 02:13:23 EST 2008

On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 9:56 AM, Ian Peter <ian.peter at ianpeter.com> wrote:
> >Not clear to me where we're at

it seems we are here:

* We think that 40 is a good number for MAG members. One third of MAG
members should be rotated every year.

* In the interest of transparency and
understanding the responsibilities of MAG members, when making appointments
to the MAG we ask the Secretary General to explain which interested group
that person is associated with. The rules for membership of the MAG should
be clearly established, and made open along with due justifications.

* Civil society has been under represented in the multi-stakeholder advisory
groups appointed in
2006 and 2007, this anomaly should be corrected in this round of rotation
and a fair balance of members between all stakeholders assured. Fair civil
society representation is necessary to ensure legitimacy for this new
experiment in global governance.

* We agree that the organizations having an important role in Internet
administration and the development of Internet-related technical standards
should continue to be represented in the MAG. However, their representation
should not be at the expense of civil society participation.

* Stakeholder representatives should be chosen based on appropriate
processes of self-selection by stakeholder groups. We do appreciate that it
is difficult to recognize any one stakeholder entity, or even a given set of
them, as completely representing the whole of that particular stakeholder
group. This complicates the process of selection, especially in the case of
civil society and business sectors, and makes for some scope for the final
selecting authority exercising a degree of judgment. This, however, should
be done in a completely transparent manner. Deviations from the
self-selection processes of stakeholder groups should be kept to the

* When recommending members of the MAG all stakeholders should ensure
diversity in terms of gender, geography, and, where applicable, special
interest groups.

>  Join the club! Anyway I am happy to either accept the Parminder formula just
>  posted or to drop the text I proposed altogether. Not much time now, and I
>  believe either way the draft is fine.
>  Would like to see the one quarter reference dropped though.

It has been AFAICS, but I haven't finished my frst coffee yet ;-P

In any case, I have no objection to the above text.


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