[governance] IPv4-v6 - "coexistence" not transition - operational issues surfacing
Ian Peter
ian.peter at ianpeter.com
Thu Feb 21 13:48:54 EST 2008
Hi Thomas,
Yes, I didn't quote the bit where Randy thinks everything will be fine in
the end. It reminds me however of the other Bush (George) and Iraq again -
it will all be fine, but we don’t know how yet. Let's just keep deploying
more troops and it will all work out......
>Randy is very much saying: wake up people, we need to deploy this. Let's
>figure out what needs to be done to get it deployed.
The assumption being that we must continue with the rollout at all costs
despite emerging problems and a great deal of evidence that it's not working
as planned. Seminars all over the world, a whole movement underway, and just
now we need to figure out what needs to be done around a range of issues?
I agree with Izumi, this needs more study and clarity for those of us not
involved in the standards setting world. There are technical issues to
resolve, there are dubious benefits for anyone rolling out at this stage,
and there are a range of social factors not being addressed.
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Narten [mailto:narten at us.ibm.com]
Sent: 22 February 2008 01:04
To: governance at lists.cpsr.org; Ian Peter
Cc: 'Izumi AIZU'
Subject: Re: [governance] IPv4-v6 - "coexistence" not transition -
operational issues surfacing
"Ian Peter" <ian.peter at ianpeter.com> writes:
> Randy Bush has compared the IPv6 rollout (starting from 1995) with the war
> in Iraq - no transition plan, declared victory before the hard part
> started, no real long term plan, no realistic estimation of costs, no
> support for the folk on the front lines [and continual declaration that]
> victory will be next month.
You also conveniently overlooked this opening line from the vary same
charts you cite:
> Reality Therapy
> We will transition to IPv6, get over it
> The issues are when and how
> Marketing fantasy is not helping us
> actually deploy
> This presentation may seem negative,
> but think of it more as taking off the
> rose colored glasses so we can see
> what reality is so we can actually make
> deployment decisions
See the first bullet in particular. Randy is very much saying: wake up
people, we need to deploy this. Let's figure out what needs to be done
to get it deployed.
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