[governance] Reconstituting MAG (Tech/admin language)

William Drake william.drake at graduateinstitute.ch
Thu Feb 21 02:28:47 EST 2008


On 2/20/08 11:17 PM, "Meryem Marzouki" <marzouki at ras.eu.org> wrote:
>> Now you're just being unpleasant, why?
> As I just mentioned in answering Adam's mail, well, I can also ask
> the same question. In any case, this was not my intention, and I
> apologize if what I said about the analysis appeared unpleasant to you.

Maybe I shouldn't have written a couple of familiar/teasing lines, sorry if
they sounded off.  Email just doesn't work for that.
> At least we agree on what's at stake. But I may have missed your
> tentative to address this. How should we have proceeded, according to
> you?

I think we do.  My suggestion has been to post complete texts (preferably in
a consistent, not tiny font) incorporating the piecemeal inputs and
reflecting the non-consensus on the one point and then do a consensus call,
it's Thursday.



PS: BTW FWIW on your reply to Adam,

>> 36. We recognize the valuable contribution by the academic and
>> technical communities within those stakeholder groups mentioned in
>> paragraph 35 to the evolution, functioning and  development of the
>> Internet.
>> "within those stakeholder groups" they are not "International
>> organizations" it means (a) through (e).
> May I draw your attention to the difference between "technical
> communities" and "the technical community"? And to the evolution in

This is just an English thing, communities is plural because it refers to
both academic and technical.  Came from WGIG language, remember the
discussion, there was no intention to draw the distinction you see.

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