[governance] Reconstituting MAG (Tech/admin language)
Jeanette Hofmann
jeanette at wzb.eu
Wed Feb 20 12:50:00 EST 2008
Meryem Marzouki wrote:
> Le 20 févr. 08 à 17:37, Jeanette Hofmann a écrit :
>> Meryem Marzouki wrote:
>>> Jeanette,
>>> What I can read from your previous post of Feb 12 is this excerpt:
>>> "As I have probably said before, I think we should stick to 3 groups
>>> (govs, biz, cs) instead of adding another group."
>>> So, could please clarify in which sense you agree with Bill, who's
>>> saying that he's opposed to "membership should (ideally) divided
>>> equally among governments, civil society and the business sector"
>>> (with the rest of the paragraph).
>> I said also this:
>> This discussion on how to properly define civil society won't lead
>> anywhere as there is as yet no common definition of the term.
> Well, that's true since the 18th century. Or even since the Romans and
> the Greeks, if we really want to include all understandings over time.
> But can't we at least stick to the modern acception of this concept, the
> Gramscian one? (BTW, I find it quite relevant, in terms of CS as being
> the sphere where consent can be manufactured.. and challenged as well).
> I understand IGF and the like is quite a post-modern construct, but
> still, am I asking for too much?
The sad truth is that either we use a broad definition that doesn't help
much in terms of describing the relationship between the techical
community and the caucus or we try for a more specific definition that
we won't agree upon. Ontological discussions are tiresome and often
> [...]
>> I think what really matters is substantive proposals for the next IGF
>> meeting. As usual, we all got wound up in procedural matters instead.
> Do you mean that these procedural matters - transparency,
> accountability.. in one word democracy - are futile? And that we should
> all be acting simply as experts/advisors/consultants/entrepreneurs?
no. I mean that we spend too much time on arguing about exact form of
participation and not enough time on what we actually want to achieve by
>> Precisely because the causus is composed of such a broad variety of
>> people, it constitutes a very good space to try out ideas for main
>> sessions or workshops. Why don't we make better use of it?!?
> Because the IGF is not simply yet another conference or workshop? Or at
> least shouldn't be? And is supposed to be a global intergovernance forum
> instead?
> But back to your position w.r.t. IGC statement: am I right in
> understanding your position as "status quo is fine" and "let's get busy
> with other matters"?
no, Meryem, this is not an adequate interpretation of what I have been
> Meryem____________________________________________________________
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