Sponsor for Participation in the [governance] Summer School on

Suresh Ramasubramanian suresh at hserus.net
Mon Feb 11 21:09:58 EST 2008

Carlos Afonso [12/02/08 00:00 -0200]:
> Why take the time bugging the retired professor? There are no fellowships 
> anyway. The issue was raised in this list in the search for ideas on how to 
> help the course promoters to find ways to fund people from developing 
> countries. Maybe some of us could have some hints, maybe this could become 
> decentralized, like the INET workshops which became regional etc etc.

Let's see. You either find civ soc offering to take the course material,
perhaps translate it, and teach it locally. Or you find ways to put most of
the course material online, administer tests online and occasionally
multicast lectures. On the whole I prefer #2.
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