[governance] Re: [IGP-ANNOUNCE] IGP Alert: Reforming ICANN Oversight: A Historic Opportunity
Avri Doria
avri at psg.com
Wed Feb 6 17:16:53 EST 2008
<currently under temporary part-time contract to the IGF secretariat
and an ICANN volunteer, but writing from my own perspective>
I do not expect that the reason people might be against has to do with
laziness. I think it might have to do with the nature of the IGF as a
safe forum where everyone can meet to discuss the issues as peers,
including ICANN. The IGP proposal would not only subordinate ICANN to
the rest of the peers, but would also force the group into becoming a
decision making body. This would seem to me to be a radical change in
the nature of the forum.
Now, one could argue that the IGF should be a decision making body,
but most seem to believe that this is not what it was chartered to
be. Also I expect that even if such were to be seen as a reasonable
step in a possible evolution of the IGF, and I am _not_ thinking it
is, it is certainly not a step that the IGF seems ready for. At least
it does not seem that way to me.
On 6 Feb 2008, at 22:05, Milton L Mueller wrote:
> Some perceptive comments, Parminder.
> > So which is this IGF that wont like an ICANN accountable
> > to it.... and why ?????
> The reason is that asking IGF to develop a process to review ICANN
> is like asking me or you to do calisthenics or go running every
> morning at 7 am. It is demanding work. It is far more comfortable to
> sleep. The requested subject may know perfectly well that performing
> this work is good for its health, and in fact may prolong its life
> for many years. But it still may not welcome the effort.
> Milton Mueller
> Professor, Syracuse University School of Information Studies
> XS4All Professor, Delft University of Technology
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