[governance] new MAG members

Milton L Mueller mueller at syr.edu
Fri Aug 22 10:40:16 EDT 2008

Just a note in response to Ken, while I reiterate my view that Adam was
excellent as our MAG nominee, I support the principle of rotation and
think that it's not bad at all for change to occur and different people
to get involced. Furthermore, given what I know about these processes I
suspect that another term could be considered a punishment rather than a

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ken Lohento [mailto:klohento at panos-ao.org]
> I totally agree with Ian and Jeanette that Adam plays an outstanding
> role and regret he is no more in the MAG. Maybe overall gender balance
> (within the whole MAG) was also a criteria against him apart from
> regional balance (and maybe other considerations).
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