[governance] Workshop Proposal: Transboundary Internet
Meryem Marzouki
marzouki at ras.eu.org
Fri Apr 25 04:42:11 EDT 2008
Le 25 avr. 08 à 08:27, Bret Fausett a écrit :
> All, below is a draft workshop proposal that Meryem Marzouki,
> William Drake, Ian Peter, Parminder Singh and I have been working
> on. We plan to submit it by the deadline, but would like your input
> and suggestions, on all aspects.
Thanks Bret for forwarding on our behalf the draft proposal to the
IGC list. I'd like to add some info on current status:
- The Council of Europe has been invited both as a co-sponsor and as
a speaker (its Deputy Secretary general). We're still waiting for
their answer (they know about the 30 April deadline). We consider
that there are good chances for a positive answer, but who knows..
- KEI/CPTech has also been invited as co-sponsor and speaker (Manon
Ress or Jamie Love, choice left to them): KEI/CPTech already
confirmed co-sponsorship and Jamie's participation as speaker
- The workshop format would feature no more than 6 speakers + 1 chair
+ 1 rapporteur (or 7 speakers + 1 chair), i.e. maximum 8 persons all
in all
- We currently are trying to increase the regional diversity of the
workshop, thus we would very much like suggestions to this end.
- While we're probably fine with current co-sponsorship at this step
(summary only to be submitted before the 30 April deadline), we would
obviously welcome before this deadline co-sponsorship from additional
organizations/constituencies, since this obviously shows early
interest in having a workshop on this topic held at IGF.
> - - - - - D R A F T - - - - -
> 1. Name of proposed workshop
> The Transboundary Internet: Jurisdiction, Control and Sovereignty
> 2. Provide a concise description of the proposed workshop theme
> including its importance and relevance to the IGF.
> The Internet crosses the boundaries of all nations and raises some
> unique transboundary jurisdictional problems. The recent case of a
> British citizen living in Spain, with Internet servers in the
> Bahamas, selling holidays to Cuba, and having his domain name
> impounded by a registrar located in the USA because it appeared to
> break the US embargo against Cuba is one recent case in point.
> Another landmark case was the French-US Yahoo! case in 1999 dealing
> with sale of nazi memorabilia, but but apart from these high
> profile content cases there are many examples in other areas such
> as privacy, consumer issues, cybercrime, and intellectual property.
> This workshop will discuss the many implications of competing
> national jurisdictions being projected into a globalized space
> where multiple normative sources apply, such as political, legal,
> technical, contractual, and behavioral regulations. Through
> practical case studies, this workshop will look at the implications
> of various approaches to resolving these issues and the
> implications for Internet governance, international law, national
> sovereignty, democracy, and human rights and fundamental freedoms.
> The workshop also explores the implications for Internet governance
> where no structures are in place to deal with emerging issues, and
> how default unilateral action in the absence of structural
> alternatives can lead to de facto Internet governance.
> 3. Provide the names and affiliations of the panellists you are
> planning to invite. Describe the main actors in the field and
> whether you have approached them about their willingness to
> participate in proposed workshop.
> NB. Workshop duration is 90mn, which means that we should have no
> more than 6-7 panelists plus chair. This is a tentative list of
> speakers.
> • Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, Deputy Secretary General, The Council of
> Europe
> • Manon Ress /James Love, Knowledge Ecology International/CPTech, USA
> • Meryem Marzouki, President, European Digital Rights, Europe
> • Bret A. Fausett, Internet law Attorney, Cathcart, Collins &
> Kneafsey, LLP USA
> • Ian Peter, Internet Analyst, Ian Peter and Associates, Australia
> • William Drake, Graduate Institute of International and
> Development Studies, Switzerland
> Yet to be approached: other identified experts with various
> perspectives on specific case studies.
> Themes to be discussed by speakers:
> • Liability and the principle of the country of origin (off-line
> and on-line content): Convention on Transfrontier television, Rome
> II, Convention on TV without Frontiers,
> • Consumer protection, contracts, etc.: Hague Convention, E-
> commerce directive
> • Cybercrime: The CoE Convention, its protocols and implementation
> activities
> • Technical and contractual means: ISP charters and hotlines,
> blocking (cf. Pakistan case)
> • Harmonization of national laws through intergovernmental agreements
> 4. Provide the name of the organizer(s) of the workshop and their
> affiliation to various stakeholder groups. Describe how you will
> take steps to adhere to the multi-stakeholder principle,
> geographical diversity and gender balance.
> - The Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus (Civil society)
> - The Council of Europe – TBC (Intergovernmental organization)
> - European Digital Rights (Civil society)
> - Knowledge Ecology International (KEI/CPTech) – TBC (Civil society)
> - Ian Peter and Associates – TBC (Private sector)
> Yet to be approached: Some governments (e.g. France, USA,
> Netherlands, ...); other intergovernmental organizations (e.g.
> OSCE, OCDE,...), other private sector constituencies (e.g. ISP
> associations, newspaper associations, registrars, search engine/
> social networking companies, ...); other civil society constituencies.
> 5. Does the proposed workshop provide different perspectives on the
> issues under discussion?
> Yes. Expertise is being sought from various areas to provide a
> comprehensive coverage of issues and perspectives involved (to be
> updated later).
> 6. Please explain how the workshop will address issues relating to
> Internet governance and describe how the workshop conforms with the
> Tunis Agenda in terms of substance and the mandate of the IGF.
> The first and foremost need for global Internet governance
> arrangements comes from the global, cross-boundaries nature of the
> Internet. Issues with global Internet governance are not only
> related to critical Internet resources management, but also to the
> circulation of content and data and to the protection of the
> general communications infrastructure. Jurisdictions, control and
> sovereignty issues are thus at the heart of global Internet
> governance discussions. Given the difficulty to harmonize national
> legislations, and given the issue of the competence of
> jurisdictions, alternative methods to State regulations are more
> and more considered, promoted and implemented. It is the very aim
> of this workshop to explore and discuss these alternatives.
> TA: Para 72(b)(c)(g)(i)(k)
> 7. List similar events you and/or any other IGF workshops you have
> organized in the past.
> The Civil,Society Internet Governance Caucus and other sponsors
> have organized workshops at previous IGF meetings (to be updated
> later)
> 8. Were you part of organizing a workshop last year? Which one? Did
> you submit a workshop report?
> Yes (to be updated with list of previous workshops)
> 9. Under which of the five IGF themes does the proposal fall under ?
> • Managing the Internet (Using the Internet)
> • Arrangements for Internet governance
> - - - - - D R A F T - - - - -
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