[governance] IGC Nomcom - Slate of candidates
Milton L Mueller
mueller at syr.edu
Thu Apr 24 09:54:33 EDT 2008
Yes, Parminder and Adam are both right, we are all busy, there's a lot
of traffic on the list, many other things going on. It is unrealistic to
expect crisp, scheduled discussions to take place here. The ball is in
Kummer's court now. Let's move on.
> -----Original Message-----
> >
> >First is the issue of developing criteria for nomination. I
> >gave repeated calls, even set aside days, for the caucus
> >to discuss these criteria, and requested the nomcom both
> >to listen to the conversation and pick up the
> >sense of the caucus, and ask specific questions if found
> necessary. Though
> I meant that it wasn't clear there was any
> conclusion to our meandering discussions and any
> instruction given to the nomcom. But what your
> write below clarifies somewhat, thanks for that.
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