[governance] fw: IANA Update: Project to convert registries to XML

Suresh Ramasubramanian suresh at hserus.net
Wed Apr 23 23:30:51 EDT 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michelle Cotton <michelle.cotton at icann.org>
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 12:49:44 -0700
Subject: IANA Update: Project to convert registries to XML
To: "ietf at ietf.org" <ietf at ietf.org>

IETF Community:

IANA is currently engaged in a project to convert the IETF related
registries to XML to provide the community with multiple ways of
viewing registry information.  When conversion to XML is done, XML
will become the source format for the registries and the current
formats of html and plain text will be generated from the XML
source.  Stylesheets and schemas will also be made available together
with XML. Users will be able to access the registries in new and
useful ways, while still having the ability to see the registries in
the original style.

Part of the conversion requires IANA to "clean-up" the registries in
order to fit with the XML schemas.  IANA is not changing the data in
the registries.  IANA is cleaning up the formatting including
regularizing spacing and providing consistent display of titles,
references and registration procedures.

For those registries that need extensive format changes, IANA will be
working with the appropriate working groups and area directors to
make sure that the format changes do not affect the content of the

Those registries that are required to be in specific formats, for
example the MIBs and language subtags registries, will still be
produced in the existing formats.

IANA has consulted with the IETF XML directorate to make sure that
the XML schemas are properly formulated. Certain decisions on schemas
reflect the needs of IANA in maintaining the registries moving forward.

In the coming months, cleaned-up versions of the registries will
begin appearing on the IANA website.  If you notice any content
issues with the updated versions, or if they are not accessible,
please notify IANA staff immediately and we will work with the
appropriate parties to correct any inconsistencies.

We look forward to providing the XML versions of the registries to
better serve the community's needs.  IANA will announce in advance when
the registry conversion will be completed.  After the
conversion is complete, we intend to introduce new services such as
the ability to subscribe to be notified when specific registries are

Thank you,

Michelle Cotton
Email: michelle.cotton at icann.org
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