[governance] Speakers for IGF - new faces?

Adam Peake ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Fri Sep 21 08:45:12 EDT 2007

At 8:06 AM -0400 9/21/07, Robert Guerra wrote:
>If i'm not mistaken, a 100,000 CDN (which is now 
>= 100,000 USD btw) fund was contributed by 
>government of Canada for participation from 
>developing countries at the IGF.
>Has there been any details and/or an application 
>process identified as to how some or part of 
>that fund could be accessed by CS speakers?

No, there hasn't been any information recently 
about what's happened to the Canadian donation. 
I think you should check with Bill Graham.


>I ask not only as a caucus member, but also as a Canadian Taxpayer...
>Robert Guerra <rguerra at privaterra.ca>
>Managing Director, Privaterra
>Tel +1 416 893 0377
>On 21-Sep-07, at 12:01 AM, Adam Peake wrote:
>>At 7:31 PM +0200 9/20/07, Vittorio Bertola wrote:
>>>Adam Peake ha scritto:
>>>>It is not at all pleasing to write "We have 
>>>>no money to bring anyone, the meeting starts 
>>>>in 8 weeks.  Suggest only recommending people 
>>>>who are going to be there (or have a very 
>>>>good chance of being there.)" This situation 
>>>>should not have been allowed to happen.
>>>You mean we could have started earlier? Yes we 
>>>could, but alas, up to one month ago there was 
>>>not even an AG...
>>Exactly, I meant up until a month ago there was 
>>not even an advisory group.  Nothing to do with 
>>the caucus, not blaming you and Parminder for 
>>global warming or the mess with speakers :-) 
>>My problem is with whoever/whatever caused the 
>>delays throughout the year.  I've said 
>>something about speakers at every consultation 
>>this year, this from February:
>>"And when Mr. Geiger was giving the dates of the on the WSIS meeting, it
>>reminded me the meeting in Athens was really prepared in a little over
>>five and a half months and we are now about eight and a half months out
>>from the Rio meeting, and so I know that, Chairman, you said you were
>>going to emphasize that we have to get moving and moving fast.  But it
>>really is time now to start approaching speakers to ask them if they can
>>come and speak at that meeting.  We can't just ask them to leave a week
>>free at the end of October and early November.  We have to be asking
>>specific questions of them -- Can you speak on a topic on a day -- if we
>>want high quality speakers to be joining these panels.
>>And that means getting an agenda ready and drafted as soon as possible.
>>If we want to have workshops that are integrated into the agenda, as
>>many of the people have commented should happen more during the
>>stock-taking session, that seemed to be something that was important to
>>many people, that we had a more coherent mix of workshops into the
>>general agenda, then we have to get the requests for workshops out as
>>soon as possible.
>>So I really do hope that you can emphasize this need for urgency to the
>>secretary-general, because otherwise, we're going to end up in the same
>>situation as Athens.  And while that was a successful meeting, we have
>>to make Rio a better meeting." (end quote)
>>Michael, same response: the post-Athens taking 
>>stocking identified lack of funds for 
>>participation as important to remedy -- number 
>>of participants from developing nations was too 
>>low. I don't think anything's been done.
>>In no way blame the secretariat for this.
>>Anyway, issues for the next taking stock session, not now.
>>>and the funding issue won't go away (unless we 
>>>start focusing on how to make the IGF better 
>>>and stronger, which is one of the objectives 
>>>of our workshop). I think that Rio will suffer 
>>>from "still growing up" even more than Athens, 
>>>and possibly IGF 2008 as well - they will 
>>>still be caught in the power struggles on how 
>>>to give the IGF a more effective structure 
>>>that can work in the long term.
>>>All in all, it took ICANN 5 to 10 years of 
>>>quarterly meetings to get to a reasonably 
>>>stable and functioning status.
>>>vb.                   Vittorio Bertola - vb [a] bertola.eu   
>>>-------->  finally with a new website at http://bertola.eu/  
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