[governance] Perhaps the larger issue is that of Privacy policies related to IGF ..
Robert Guerra
lists at privaterra.info
Tue Oct 23 08:54:29 EDT 2007
Perhaps the larger issue is that of Privacy policies and/or best
practices related to the IGF itself...
There was an earlier thread about perhaps including an option in the
registration where those attending can opt-in (or out) of having
their - personal - information published online . Now there's we have
an issue of an IGF related site that chooses to place user's data at
risk without even consulting them.
If the IGF is about brining people together and developing best
practices, then might I make the recommendation that CS and other
stake-holders insist that all websites related to the IGF (be they
official and/or unofficial) have 1. a clear privacy policy and 2.
mechanisms for users to make the choice if indeed they want their
information shared and/or traded with outside parties (ie. opt in).
Robert Guerra <rguerra at privaterra.ca>
Managing Director, Privaterra
Tel +1 416 893 0377
On 23-Oct-07, at 6:13 AM, Norbert Bollow wrote:
> Stephane Bortzmeyer <bortzmeyer at internatif.org> wrote:
>> An OpenID provider is not an *outside* third party since you choose
>> it. Like an Internet access provider, it is a party you have to
>> trust,
>> at least partially.
> What I'm opposing is the totally needless introduction of an
> additional "party you have to trust" into the system, especially
> in view of the fact that determining the trustworthiness of a
> third-party OpenID provider is (if possible at all) much more
> difficult that being your own OpenID provider.
>>> "Being your own OpenID provider" is AFAIK not possible behind NAT.
>> Well, anyway, it is not realistic for most users, even with a public
>> IP address. My point was not that Joe Average should become his own
>> identity provider, but that many people can do it, so Joe Average
>> will
>> have a large choice of providers, probably with at least one with a
>> privacy practice he likes.
> Greetings,
> Norbert.
> --
> Norbert Bollow <nb at bollow.ch> http://Norbert.ch
> President of the Swiss Internet User Group SIUG http://SIUG.ch
> Working on establishing a non-corrupt and
> truly /open/ international standards organization http://OpenISO.org
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