Privacy was Re: [governance] Who will be in Rio?

KovenRonald at KovenRonald at
Tue Oct 9 08:10:10 EDT 2007

Dear Rui --

If someone were to put me up against a wall and put a gun to my head, I think 
I would concede that, for the word "amusing," I would find it not 
inappropriate to substitute the word "silly."

I quite understand that there are highly sensitive fora. If this were a 
seminar on, say, democracy in Burma or Belarus, it would be more than 
understandable if there were those who needed to preserve their anonymity.

But, to my knowledge, there is not a single government or other public 
authority that has even begun to suggest that there was something illegitimate about 
WSIS or IGF or about participation in their deliberations, placed under UN 

There seems to be a loss of perspective somewhere here, and I think that's 
somehow related metaphorically to a failure of sense of humor. And that once in 
Rio, we should all share a good laugh about this thread.

Bests, Rony Koven

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