[governance] For you as an Internet user, what is a "Critical Internet resource"?
Lee McKnight
LMcKnigh at syr.edu
Fri Oct 5 15:00:57 EDT 2007
Here's a suggestion:
Let's apply the same logic to all the other sessions, and say, let's
talk about what the title of the session means to Internet users.
Actually not a bad idea to keep us grounded.
I understand as the first time on the IGF agenda 'Critical Internet
Resources' will take some defining, just seems off if those on the panel
because they have something to do with critical internet resources now
essentially say their selection was a mistake because the topic is
really Internet user needs.
In which case we need more sociologists, anthropologists, and market
researchers and should substitute them for the people who represent
things formerly known as critical Internet resources ; ) Just a
Prof. Lee W. McKnight
School of Information Studies
Syracuse University
+1-315-278-4392 mobile
>>> avri at psg.com 10/5/2007 1:08 AM >>>
I agree that arguing over the discussion will waste time in Rio.
But not everyone accepts the same definition as you do and perhaps
they would find that discussing cIr as defined by you would waste
their time on future problems as opposed to the problems they face
On 4 okt 2007, at 00.53, Milton L Mueller wrote:
> The only reason to shift the discussion to definitions is to divert
> attention from a discussion of those policies and institutions
> currently involved in CIR.
hmm, the only reason for disagreement? do you really believe all the
people on this list are trying to divert attention. i don't exclude
the possibility that this may motivate some, but i do not think that
can be said of everyone who disagrees with you.
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