[governance] Re: [igsd] Summary and Thanks - e-conference on Internet Governance and Sustainable Development

kwasi boakye-akyeampong kboakye1 at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Oct 2 12:23:48 EDT 2007

With the governments I think there is. All governments have drafted National ICT documents. If we can press the right buttons, we can get them to support some of these initiatives. Believe most of these governments are not tyrants as we are wont to suggest. Some of the bad policies are due to ignorance; the issue of VOIP in Ghana is a typical example.

So Norbert, my answer to your question is yes.


Norbert Bollow <nb at bollow.ch> wrote: Kwasi Boakye-Akyeampong  wrote:

> So what I am proposing is for these regional capacity building
> centres to be set up for all year training and capacity building
> training activities that will help select people to represent the
> regions at International conferences; those the region is confident
> enough to represent them and to have a message. They will be
> required to submit a report upon return. And while the International
> event is taking place, we can have participation from others at the
> center. This center will serve both ICANN, IGF, and any other
> Internet Governance related activities in their respective
> regions. The centres can get funding from their governments and
> other bodies to train journalists in IG related issues.

Are there sufficient incentives for these "governments and other
bodies" to fund such centres in the first place, and to make the
centres operate with integrity, i.e. so that they select
representative who are truly representative of the respective 
regions rather than of some influential special interests?


Norbert Bollow                       http://Norbert.ch
President of the Swiss Internet User Group SIUG    http://SIUG.ch
Working on establishing a non-corrupt and
truly /open/ international standards organization  http://OpenISO.org
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