[governance] US White Paper on Public Health for IHE

Sylvia Caras sylvia.caras at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 18:13:06 EST 2007

Might these health record standards be determinants for other fundamentals?

Building a Roadmap for Health Information Systems Interoperability for
Public Health

White Paper

Call for Public Review

(November 20 - January 19, 2007)

The Public Health Data Standards Consortium (PHDSC) and the
Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) invite public health,
clinical and information technology experts to review the White Paper
on Building a Roadmap for Health Information Systems Interoperability
for Public Health.

The public review period will be open through January 19, 2007.

Please go to http://www.ihe.net/Technical_Framework/index.cfm#pcc
to download the White Paper and submit your comments.

You may submit your comments directly at

Instructions to Submit Your Comments:

Please note that the Radiology Society of North America (RSNA) serves
as a host for the White Paper public review process.

The thread "Public Comments on PHDSC White Paper" has been created on
November 20, 2007 to collect your comments. Please click Post Reply
button to submit your comments to this thread.

You do not need to register with RSNA/IHE to submit your comments.
When you click Post Reply button, you will be seen as an Unregistered
User. We request that you provide your name, affiliation and e-mail
address at the end of your comment.

The White Paper has been developed by the PHDSC-IHE Task Force
participants to facilitate standardization of health information
exchanges between clinical care and public health. The objective of
the White Paper is to engage the public health community in a dialogue
with health information technology (HIT) vendors to assure that the
work processes and data needs of public health stakeholders in health
information exchanges are 1) well understood and agreed upon by the
stakeholders and then (2) communicated to the developers of the
interoperable clinical Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems and
Public Health information systems (EHR-PH Systems).

We would like to invite the reviewers to join our Task Force to
participate in the formation of a Public Health Domain at IHE and to
facilitate collaboration between public health and HIT vendor
communities in enabling electronic information exchange between
clinical and public health settings.   We believe that this White
Paper may serve as a framing document for the creation of the Public
Health Domain at IHE.

For more information about the PHDSC-IHE Public Health Task Force,
please contact Dr. Anna Orlova, PHDSC Executive Director at <
aorlova at jhsph.edu >.


Anna Orlova, PhD

Executive Director

Public Health Data Standards Consortium

624 N. Broadway Room 382

Baltimore MD 21205

Phone: 410-614-3463


Fax: 410-614-3097

E-mail: aorlova at jhsph.edu

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