[WSIS CS-Plenary] April fool's day? Was Re: [governance] APC Statement as IGF II closes

linda misek-falkoff ldmisekfalkoff at gmail.com
Thu Nov 15 10:18:06 EST 2007


For one, here, I am very much interested in joining any group discussing the
notion of illegal and harmful content.  I see the proposal as a *meta* level
and not an *object* level one.  To explore the issues from the start, and
frame the relevant questions, so please sign me up.

One notes that the current cordiality in IGF-II Rio toward the topic itself
is refreshing given early 'policy't edicts that *disinformation* wanted to
be as free as *information* on the Internet, and had a right to be.  Perhaps
we will swing back and forth between both views or visit others, but at
least now there is dialogue apace.  Free Expression?  License?  Not the
same? So ...(?)...

As a P.S., it would be good to have posted some links that you consider
particularly helpful to learn about  the European or other regional courts
mentioned,  as per the initial quote in this thread:

"This, to simply talk about Europe, a region which at least share some
more or less common cultural roots and, above all, has adopted a
regional Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), has set up a regional
Court to enforce it (Strasbourg Court), which has developed a
comprehensive case law. I cannot even imagine what APC proposal would
mean at the world global level"

Thank you and  best wishes,
Dr. Linda D. Misek-Falkoff
* Respectful Interfaces* .

On 11/15/07, karen banks <karenb at gn.apc.org> wrote:
> [Please note that by using 'REPLY', your response goes to the entire list.
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> _______________________________________
> ps.. and meryem, to some extent you are right, not a typo so much, ut open
> to misinterpretation - the word 'definition' shouldn't be in the phrase, as
> it creates just this kind of misundertanding.. we will edit the statement
> > - Convene 'IGF Working Groups': APC recommends that the IGF uses
> > the format of the WGIG, or bodies such as the IETF (Internet
> > Engineering Task Force) to convene working groups to address
> > complex issues that emerge during a forum. These groups can be made
> > up of individuals with the necessary expertise, and drawn from
> > different stakeholder groups. These groups can then engage specific
> > issues in greater depth, and, if they feel it is required, develop
> > recommendations that can be communicated to the internet community
> > at large, or addressed to specific institutions. .
> >
> > [...]
> > Based on discussions at the IGF II it appears that working groups
> > on the following five issues might be valuable: a) WG on the
> > definition of illegal and harmful content;
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