[governance] Result of informal survey on Critical Internet Resources
Paul Wilson
pwilson at apnic.net
Wed Nov 14 12:14:21 EST 2007
Dear Aaron
I am sorry that you are having trouble with the file. The link works for
me; but it is a PDF file so if you can save it in that format you may have
some success.
The file contains some explanation and pie charts, as well as the original
data for anyone who wants to dig deeper. The summary according to my own
categories is as follows.
I hope this helps.
Category1 Category2 Total
Administration DNS 30
Standards 5
Names/Numbers/ASNs 6
IP addresses/RIRs 10
Administration Total 54
Applications Email 25
other 10
Search 22
Communications 11
Information 7
Commerce 12
Applications Total 96
Environment Electricity 2
funding 2
Openness 8
Human Resources 3
Environment Total 15
Infrastructure Connectivity 10
Core 13
Devices 3
International 5
Lastmile 9
Peering 4
QoS 3
Security 9
Ubiquity 3
Routing 16
Infrastructure Total 78
Grand Total 243
--On 14 November 2007 5:43:42 PM +0100 Nyangkwe Agien Aaron
<nyangkweagien at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Paul
> I opened the link which is but producing HTML, meaning that my machine
> cannot open it.
> For expediency, why not copy the text and paste on the message space.
> You will be saving time for down loading in this activity packed
> period. That is workable, isn't it? I hope others in my situation can
> soon have solace through your generosity
> Warmly
> Aaron
> On 11/14/07, Paul Wilson <pwilson at apnic.net> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Some of you will remember a question I posted to this list a while ago,
>> asking for views on what are "Critical Internet Resources". I received
>> nearly 100 responses, and have reported them here:
>> http://www.apnic.net/news/docs/cir-pwilson-20071112.pdf
>> I am well aware of the limitations of this type of approach, and of
>> course the (intentional) vagueness of the question itself. However I
>> hope some will find this interesting. I'm sure Google will like it. :-)
>> Paul.
>> ________________________________________________________________________
>> Paul Wilson, Director-General, APNIC <dg at apnic.net>
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> --
> Aaron Agien Nyangkwe
> Journalist/Outcome Mapper
> Special Assistant To The President
> Coach of ASAFE Camaroes Street Football Team.
> P.O.Box 5213
> Douala-Cameroon
> Tel. 237 3337 50 22
> Cell Phone: 237 79 95 71 97
> Fax. 237 3342 29 70
Paul Wilson, Director-General, APNIC <dg at apnic.net>
http://www.apnic.net ph/fx +61 7 3858 3100/99
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