[governance] DNSsec and allternative DNS system

Dr. Francis MUGUET muguet at mdpi.net
Wed Nov 14 09:57:44 EST 2007

Congratulations to the Internet Governance Project 
<http://internetgovernance.org/index.html> (IGP),
 O ComitĂȘ Gestor da Internet no Brasil <http://cgi.br/> (CGI.br),
 and European Internet Services Providers Association 
<http://www.euroispa.org/> (EuroISPA)
organizers of this workshop that allowed
the expression of a variety of  concerns about
the DNSsec.

In complement to my short oral remark, there,
I would like to underline the possibilities offered by the
( not often know ) fact that  BIND ( the standard resolver software )
allows to carry different resolving system
( not to be confused with alternate root servers that are against RFCs ).

This made the gist of my proposal that was presented in the workshop
# Interoperable multilingual directories and solutions provided by the 
semantic web <http://www.intgovforum.org/wks_session_info.php?numes=34>( 
12 November , 13H - 14H30, Alhambra II )

    * Dr. Francis Muguet Net4D <http://net4D.org>
      A new class of network to bind people and machines
      A new opportunity for scientific, cultural, linguistic and
      economic development

In terms of governance, the consequences are quite important,  since it 
allows to
create another resolving system independent from ICANN, using
the existing infrastructure (yet updated) of  DNS servers.



 Francis F. Muguet  Ph.D  
 MDPI  Open Access Journals -  Associate Publisher
 http://www.mdpi.org  muguet at mdpi.net

 Knowledge Networks & Information Society Lab. (KNIS)
 http://www.knis.org  http://www.ensta.fr/~muguet
 E.N.S.T.A  32 Boulevard Victor  muguet at ensta.fr
 (33) -- Fax: (33)

 WSIS  World Summit on the Information Society
 Chair Scientific Information WG http://www.wsis-si.org
 Co-chair Patents & Copyrights WG htt://www.wsis-pct.org

 Multi-Stakeholders UN agency proposal  http://www.unmsp.org

 WTIS World Tour of the Information Society
 http://www.wtis.org  muguet at wtis;org

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