[governance] Samba Night at IGF with DiploFoundaiton, EPIC, EFF and Privacy International!

Robert Guerra lists at privaterra.info
Tue Nov 13 12:13:03 EST 2007

Dear Colleagues:

FOR THOSE OF YOU that are going to be in RIO for the IGF 2007:

This gathering will be a great opportunity to foster institutional and  
personal bonds, and to exchange experiences from all parts of the  
world - with no computer mediating them!

EPIC-Privacy International, EFF and DiploFoundation invite you to  
gather with all of us to drink, chat and have fun!!!

Rio is the city of samba, but not just during Carnival! As the  
birthplace of the Root Samba, the jazz influence of Rio's music scene  
can be felt year-round ...as the Brazilian lyrics go: "if you do not  
know samba, you cannot be a good friend."

And so, friends, we think the perfect way to shake and stretch the  
body after sitting in the IGF and meetings all day is to dance the  
samba and have some Brazilian drinks in one of the most popular samba  
houses in old colonial Rio!

If you are interested in joining us - please RSVP to me by end of day  
today, as we have to reserve the # of spots for the place 48 hours in  


Robert Guerra
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