[governance] ICANN RFC on its performance
Mr. Robert Guerra
lists at privaterra.info
Mon May 14 08:58:41 EDT 2007
Two paragraphs in CIRA's comments to the RFC might explain why key
actors involved in IG and ICANN discussions don't seem to be
responding as you believe they should...
* The Request for Public Comments does not include any background
documentation or previously developed materials. The questions
themselves are overly broad: the scope and responses to any of which
could constitute a demanding consultation in their own right; and
* Inadequate time is permitted for responses. Given the short 30 day
response period, it is unreasonable to expect respondents will have
the sufficient time to research and prepare detailed responses to the
complex, open-ended questions posed by the consultation.
On 14-May-07, at 8:39 AM, Veni Markovski wrote:
> Good. Now, it is really interesting to see if anyone will have the
> courage to sit down and write this as part of the RFC.
> So far at http://forum.icann.org/lists/performance-2007/ there's
> nothing about it. Or, in other words, whoever raised that topic, is
> not interested in real progress, but just in having something to
> say against....argl... about ICANN.
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