[governance] Programme outline and schedule released

Jeremy Malcolm Jeremy at Malcolm.id.au
Tue May 1 21:36:50 EDT 2007

Karl Auerbach wrote:
> Milton Mueller wrote:
>> (2) ICANN and Core Internet Resources
>> Core Internet resources should be discussed as a main session in the 
>> IGF. Policy toward "critical Internet resources" are a major topic  in
>> the Tunis Agenda and the mandate for the IGF. Currently, name and 
>> number resources are administered by ICANN and the Regional Internet 
>> Registries.
> I'd insert the word "some" after "Currently, ".
> In addition, the IEEE, W3C, and even the ITU are also major, and perhaps 
> actually the dominant in certain regards, sources of internet protocol 
> numbers.

If we were to take such a broader view, why not change "name and number 
resources are administered by" to "technical coordination and standards 
development takes place through", and then add another couple of your 
examples such as the IETF and W3C.

In favour of this is that the development of standards and protocols is 
an Internet governance issue, which frequently does have public policy 
implications just as ICANN's role of technical coordination does.  Think 
of the W3C's P3P and PICS, and the IETF's policy on wiretapping, not to 
mention IPsec, Punycode, ENUM and SPF, just off the top of my head.

Against it is that the TA only explicitly talks about critical Internet 
resources, which has always been taken as a reference to domain names 
and IP addresses rather than other Internet protocol numbers and 
standards and protocols in general.  But certainly the TA is general 
enough in paragraphs 72(b) and (c) to encompass a broader role.

(To avoid confusion, if this suggestion does not find favour then I am 
equally happy to abide by Milton's revision and/or Karl's amendment to it.)

Jeremy Malcolm LLB (Hons) B Com
Internet and Open Source lawyer, IT consultant, actor
host -t NAPTR|awk -F! '{print $3}'
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