[governance] Event - "Ideas Can Be Born" and Farewell Reception for Amr Aljowaily

Jovan Kurbalija jovank at diplomacy.edu
Wed Jun 27 11:02:31 EDT 2007

Dear colleagues,


For those of you in Geneva, I would like to draw your attention to
tomorrow's event: IDEAS CAN BE MADE: The UN Contribution to the Discourse on


This event is offered by the Geneva Diplomatic Book Circle which was
initiated by Egyptian diplomat Amr Aljowaily. We will host a farewell
reception for Amr, who will be taking new position at the Ministry in Cairo
next month.  As well as initiating this book circle, Amr has been very
active in the IG debate. He brought to the process a unique blend of
understanding of IG issues and development aspect (beyond the usual
rhetoric). I have always been amazed by Amr's variety of talents and the way
he somehow finds time to pursue academic interests despite his busy
diplomatic schedule in Geneva. If you are in Geneva and you would like to
say good-bye to Amr (as well as join an interesting discussion) please join
us. Here is the link to the webpage about this event:


Best, Jovan


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