[governance] Draft proposal for IGC workshop
Meryem Marzouki
marzouki at ras.eu.org
Thu Jun 21 13:08:22 EDT 2007
Since my offer to propose a first draft for this IGC workshop was by
no mean a proposal to _organize_ it (in partiuclar I'm not offering
to contact possible panelists), here is a quick suggestion that I let
this caucus discuss and amend. In addition to what was originally
proposed in the caucus statement to advocate a main session on IGF's
role and mandate, I've felt the need to include one of the main
discussion topics of this list since the IGF earliest steps.
1. Provide a concise formulation for the proposed workshop theme.
The role, mandate, processes and outcomes of IGF: a self-reflective
The Tunis Agenda mandated the IGF to address critically important,
value-adding functions that cannot be performed by any existing
Internet governance mechanism. Inter alia, the IGF should bring
emerging issues to the attention, and, where appropriate, make
recommendations. It should also promote and assess the embodiment of
WSIS principles in Internet governance processes. Furthermore, it
should strengthen and enhance the engagement of stakeholders in
Internet governance mechanisms, particularly those from developing
countries. To which extent this mandate has been fulfilled at this
step, which difficulties have been identified and how could they be
solved in order to achieve this mandate?
The Tunis Agenda also defines the IGF as “multilateral, multi-
stakeholder, democratic and transparent” in its working and function.
The IGF is currently mainly structured as an open discursive space,
prepared through open consultation sessions. It is managed by a
Secretariat. A multi-stakeholder advisory group (MAG) has been
appointed by the UN Secretary-General to assist him in convening the
IGF inaugural meeting. The Chair of the MAG is assisted by a special
advisory group (SAG). Have these structuring, management and advisory
mechanisms proven adequate and compliant with the Tunis Agenda
requirements? What are their strengths to reinforce and their
weaknesses to overcome?
The purpose of this workshop would be to foster an open and inclusive
dialogue on how the IGF could fulfill these and other elements of its
2. Provide the Name of the Organizer(s) of the workshop and their
Affiliation to various stakeholder groups. Describe how you will take
steps to adhere to the multi-stakeholder principle, including
geographical diversity.
Organizer: the Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus.
(to be completed).
3. Why do you think the proposed theme is important?
The IGF is unanimously considered as one of the main outcomes of the
WSIS process, and an innovation in the arena of global governance.
Two years after WSIS and one year after the IGF inaugural meeting in
Athens, this workshop aims at providing the means of a self-
reflective exercise to all IGF stakeholders, as a reflexive
governance analysis process in line with the IGF unique innovative
4. Describe the workshop’s conformity with the Tunis Agenda in terms
of substance and the mandate of the IGF.
It goes without saying that a self-assessment of the IGF in terms of
role, mandate, processes and outcomes is at the heart of its own
mandate. This workshop aims at contributing to achieve this obvious
and natural requirement.
5. Provide the Name and Affiliation of the panellists you are
planning to invite.
Moderators: one of the co-coordinators of the IGC
Possible panelists -- NB. the idea is not to choose speakers that we
think would be good and interesting, but to have the main actors
represented. The UN Secretary-General is missing:)
- the other co-coordinator of the IGC, mandated to express
concerns discussed on the IGC list
- Nitin Desai (as chair of both the MAG and formerly WGIG)
- Markus Kummer (as Secretary of both the MAG and formerly WGIG)
- Business: ICC rep.
- Gov: as we hardly can just pick one, one way could be to have
reps. from Greece and Brazil as 1st and 2nd IG organizing countries
- IGO: as hard as gov. Either none, or ITU as WSIS organizer
(but far from satisfactory:)), or ??
6. Describe the main actors in the field. Have you approached them
and asked whether they would be willing to participate in proposed
N/A in my opinion
7. List similar events you have organized in the past.
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