[governance] IGF workshop approval criteria
Adam Peake
ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Sat Jun 16 08:15:38 EDT 2007
Hi, bit busy at the moment (daughter's birthday :-) Will reply to
various questions later.
Related... information about the call for workshops has been updated
on the IGF website:
"An online workshop proposal form will be made available shortly for
workshop proposers to fill in. It will contain the following
questions <http://www.intgovforum.org/wks_qest_r.htm>"
The questions are:
Workshop proposal form questions
1. Please name of the organizers of the workshop and their
affiliation to various stakeholder groups. Describe how you will take
steps to adhere to the multi-stakeholder principle, including
geographical diversity.
2. List the name and affiliations of panellists you are planning to invite.
3. List similar events you have organized in the past.
4. Provide a concise formulation for the proposed workshop theme.
Proposals for open workshops on topics not related to the main themes
should include an explanation as to why they should be discussed
during the IGF meeting.
5. Describe the workshop's conformity with the Tunis Agenda in terms
of substance and the mandate of the IGF.
6. Why do you think the proposed theme is important?
7. Describe the main actors in the field and have you approached them
and asked whether they would be willing to participate in the
proposed workshop?
The proposal should be as short and concise as possible.
The online form will be made available shortly. (ends)
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