[governance] IGF workshops
karen banks
karenb at gn.apc.org
Fri Jun 15 05:02:51 EDT 2007
hi parminder, bill
parminder, thanks for moving us forward on workshop proposals
> > I want to re-state my proposal that IGC does some workshops at IGF. It will
> > serve both to push our substantive agenda, and to enhance the profile of
> > IGC. I had earlier proposed three themes for workshops. All these are from
> > our agreed priorities for IGF agenda (as per our input to May IGF
> > consultations).
> > Second, if we really want to foster dialogue on the four themes proposed,
> > probably we ought to consider proposing workshops on each. This
> could be done
> > in addition to or instead of making a statement about the
> plenaries. If it's
> > impossible for the caucus to agree on such workshops, then
> varying coalitions
> > of the willing could evolve each, perhaps with the caucus/list serving as
> > initial facilitators.
I think it's useful to think about the themed workshops, separately
from the open workshops - in some ways.
Themed workshops will feed into the main plenaries, and (i think)
will be more influential in terms of framing the debates around the 4
themes (at least, this is my understanding of the rationale having
themed worshops, prior to the same-theme main session).
Open workshops will provide more space for addressing very specific
issues, issues not addressed by the sub-themes, emerging issues etc
I'm not sure about the caucus proposing workshops for all themes -
that would be a lot of work, and i'm not sure is the best role for
the caucus - the coalitions are working on proposals, several
organisations etc.. and we don't want unnecssary duplication..
but the caucus could play a useful role in
- acting as a clearinghouse for any CS folk who want to let us know
what they're planning for the IGF
- support IGC members who are organising workshops (not as caucus events)
- develop proposals for workshops which are central to the IGC
objectives, and which are difficult for others to organise
(poliitically, lack of capacity, outreach etc)
- work with ca and others in brazil to prepare for the pre IGF CS
event - a good opportunity to prepare in general; and
specifically for day 1: critical internet resources (there are no
workshops prior to this session)
it makes good sense to develop workshops (or ideas for other inputs)
around the 3 agreed IGC themes - that will ensure continuity,
building on collective work etc - but, it's important for us to know
as soon as possible what the sub-themes are as they will affect the
nature of themed workshops proposed, and those that have to be open
I know the CS MAG participants will let us know as soon as they can on that one
So, maybe a good first round would be to go through each of these
themes, discuss what type of format the issue could be best addressed
in (eg bill has made some suggestions for how certain themes could be
addressed) - i've added my own comments
> > (1) Global Internet Public Policy - Issues and Institutions
> > a) What is "public policy" on the Internet and when do we need to
> use global
> > institutions to establish it? The Tunis Agenda distinguishes between
> > "technical" and "public policy" issues, and between public policy and the
> > "day-to-day technical and operational matters." What makes an Internet
> > governance issue a "public policy" issue, and what happens when policy
> > concerns are closely linked to technical administration?
i think this is interesting in and of itself.. and if you were really
to do it justice, i think it would have to be a standalone (open?)
workshop - they are only 90 minutes long.. i think for something
like this, you need a good backrgound paper.. i don't think you'd
want to deal with the issue purely through workshop format
> > b) What was intended by the TA's call for the "development of
> > globally-applicable principles on public policy issues associated with the
> > coordination and management of critical Internet resources" and
> how can this
> > goal be pursued?
it's hard to know what's planned for the critical internet resources
session - is it going to deal with in in line with (b) above? or is
it more likely to focus on a challenge/problem (root zone file, dns
ownership etc)
but agree with bill, that we should focus energies around this issue,
on the critical internet resources main session.. and how we can influence this
> > (2) Global Internet policies Impacting Access to and Effective Use of the
> > Internet by Disadvantaged People and Groups - The Development Agenda in IG
> > (this can also build on the giganet session on a similar theme)
bill commented extensively on this, and even if other proposals
address this theme, it's broad and large enough a topic that if the
IGC wanted to organise a workshop on this, there'd be plenty to talk
about.. it would just be important to ensure there's no duplication
of effort and some coordination between similar workshop proposals
> > (3) The Role and Mandate of the IGF.
>If there were to be a caucus proposal, I would suggest it focus on
>this. The topic is clearly specified, non-redundant, and entirely
>workable, and one would think we'd be able to reach agreement on a
>proposal since it doesn't have to do with core resources etc. It's
>also something the caucus has been raising for a long while---in
>fact, for some of us, since before
>the WGIG---so Cs has already put down markers on it and can make a
>distinct contribution. I'd be willing to collaborate with others on
>this if there's interest.
i think this is interesting.. and forward looking, which we need..
several contributors commented, usefully in the main i think, during
consultations on concrete ways the IGF could address more elements of
it's mandate.. including apc's contribution
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